
壹週刊 911 非 常 人 語
終 於 上 Book A 袁 彌 明
袁 彌 明 的 文 章 , 被 《 東 南 西 北 》 網 站 翻 譯 成 英 文 , 發 放 全 球 。《 東 南 西 北 》 網 站 , 是 國 際 傳 媒 焦 點 , BBC 、 CNN 、 《 中 國 日 報 》 、 英 國 《 衞 報 》 、 《 紐 約 時 報 》 、 俄 羅 斯 《 Interfax News Agency 》 都 在 觀 看 它 。
一 個 本 來 屬 於 Book B 的 人 , 就 這 樣 躍 上 時 事 版 。
「 真 係 呀 ? 可 以 上 Book A 真 係 好 喇 。 」
袁 彌 明 在 網 站 寫

她 認 為 讀 者 應 有 critical thinking , 連 「 偷 拍 」 和 「 放 料 」 也 分 不 開 的 , 是 沒 與 時 並 進 。 「 放 料 是 明 知 的 偷 拍 , 當 事 人 容 許 攝 影 記 者 近 距 離 拍 攝 , 不 用 zoom 太 多 , 背 影 物 件 自 然 少 很 多 。 」
藝 人 要 曝 光 , 要 觀 眾 支 持 , 得 罪 米 飯 班 主 , 對 自 己 有 何 益 處 ?
「 我 沒 意 思 討 好 所 有 人 。
「 藝 人 的 一 言 一 語 , 多 人 關 注 , 我 希 望 用 一 己 之 力 , 影 響 社 會 。
「 成 功

二 十 七 歲 的 袁 彌 明 說 。
39 則留言:
Congratulations~! =) As Kafka mentioned earlier, girl you made it to book A~ Way to go~
Interesting thing is that you are on the "News" section of Next Magazine now instead of the "Entertainment" section =)
Keep up the good work~
從前都冇咁多"八卦"新聞, 記得小時既雜誌封面都係用D明星在影樓影D靚相.邊有而家咁用埋D鬆YUK矇既相,裡面D人物唔係眨左眼,撩牙,最醜既角度,或者看圖作故.
哎呀, 我唔係要睇呢D呀.
D文章,邊D係作,夾,放, 我唔想花精神去分柝,從前D雜誌,報紙講野好真, D人睇到報紙就知真正發生既真事, 但係而家連報紙既野都係作, 咁邊個俾D堅野我睇?
我好想知有咩新劇新戲上, 或者D藝人既近況, 好似志雲飯局咁,幾好睇下, 睇得舒服.唔係想知D人屋企垃圾筒入面有咩,SMS打俾邊個.
I read the article from atnext today. Congrads! Keep it up! 喜歡你敢言的性格!
hi erica,
oh..your interview with the Next Magazine is soooooo cool and I couldn't agree with you more!! I am really sick of all those cutie & sweet & fake celebrities/ artists/ singers alike. They are no different from those mass production toys from the factories in our motherland. They are soulless and brainless so to say. They are pretty robotic without having their own individual character.
It is good to have someone like you pointing out the twisted phenomenon in HK. You are so cynical but at the same time so real & genuine. well done!!
Erica, 自從幾個月前看到某雜誌亂寫你”批評” 一些女星後, 我就開始留意你,我沒有理會各種的是是非非, 反而開始留意你寫的blog, 喜歡你的率直,實不相瞞, 有人話過我的樣子有點像你, 當然, 我自覺不及你的美麗, 大概相由心生, 我同樣有你的坦白和率性,和「寸」。 有話直說, 有何不妥? 支持您呀~~~
Hi Erica, I just want to say that I read all of your blogs and articles. Well, my parents also forward them to me from time to time. Congratulations on your achievements. I am truly impressed with your content and style of writing. I agree with so much of what you have to and dare to say with so much precision and gallantry.
Hopefully we will meet in HK or Shanghai soon =)
Wishing you continual success.
Congratulations!We,with no doubt, will fully support you. Keep up!
How about today at the Sha Tin swimming pool !
也真值得敬佩 袁小姐你要努力
個日NOW TV播男GOR女唱見到你呀
己外,什么人也骗不到。你患的不是「 季 节 性 情 绪 失 调 症 」而是「妄想症」
如果你真的叻,就跑去当投资银行律师赚高薪。OH SORRY,他们不请你,因27岁太
乜投資銀行律師好高薪咩? 大把做娛樂圈既人賺錢多過那些白領專業人仕. 賺錢多就係叻嗎?
在娛樂圈能夠突圍而出,大紅大紫既條件係運氣二字, 像WILLIAM HUNG, 他有什麼才能?唱歌好聽?樣子俊俏?
陳豪和鄭嘉穎在娛樂圈浮沉了十年,在偶然的機會就大紅.世事誰料得到?像梁榮忠,本來在殘酷一叮節目後很受歡迎,前途一片光明,點知有車震事件, 就事業跌進谷底. 又有誰會知將來如何呢?
我覺得袁彌明說話未必人人啱聽, 但係我相信佢既為人都係良善的.最少她忠實地講佢心裡既說話,唔係扮斯文扮有禮.
有幾多表面上好好人既藝人,背後既真面目有幾醜惡,我諗袁小姐比我地更清楚.因為佢工作上會接觸得到,而我地只係開著個電視機, 打開份報紙,雜誌, 從那裡認識那些藝人.當中的資料有真有假,係我地唔知,但係睇左就以為係真. 袁小姐就勇敢地指出真相. 那些人被人揭穿, 或者那些大眾不能接受醜惡既現實, 就會認為袁小姐就係一個講事非的八婆.
to proton,
近兩星期,李豪 fans 不斷出 post 無禮地攻擊袁,我雖然不大認同他們的做法,但其實他們也有自己的道理,為偶像以牙還牙。當然太過份及人身攻擊實在不值鼓勵。
你這個 post 比李豪 fans更差,你能否說你的 post 目的在這裡?無禮地指出你不認同的人生觀,使你自己自我感覺良好,比袁更superior嗎?還是你想塞錢入袁的口袋,教她做人的道理嗎?一來世上無絕對的,無人能預測她這樣的人生觀在這個複雜市場上是成功或失敗的。二來袁有問你意見嗎?三來這裡是袁的地方,尊重一下主人家,請你嘴巴放乾淨一點吧。如你想比意見請不要給別人 hard feeling 吧。
其實係"放料"定係"偷怕",對一般讀者黎講又有何干呢?佢地用十元八塊, 甚至不分一毫咁喺其他免費既途徑去得到呢啲八消息, 純粹係滿足下自己既八卦心態,僅此而已。係真係假, who care?我地要既係夠八卦, 夠話題性既故事,唔係要真人真事。係雜誌能夠與時並進,了解讀者所需,沒有與時並進的是你吧。
to proton:
井底蛙是你呀。Success is not defned by whether you are working in an investment bank or not. People there can work 24 7 and make a whole lot of money but their life can still be empty.yet, if they are happy with it, sure. If you do not even respect the choice of life of people, knowing the names of all the first tier universities does not make you an educated, not even so even if you actually study there. mispelling always appears in newspapers and magazines, what makes it such a big deal?!?
'happiness lies not in the mere possesion of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort' Do what you want to do, especially when you can afford to, and I hope the day when you die, you will smile at your achievement, erica. That's what life is about to me.
Thank you so much, 海豚公主!
I got what you mean. ;)
--- shall i forward this to artist association?
OH SORRY,他们不请你,因27岁太
後悔reply 你這篇廢留言...
菜瀾 said...
thank you.
i have dated with i bankers and lawyers before. Right. what's the big deal out of them? making a lot? what is defined as a lot? with a busy-to-hell + driest life like them, a 10 million annual compensation would not make me any happier.
Ms. Yuen,
You said you are a person to do "great things", yet you criticise others for low education background...is this part of your act of doing "great things"?
Criticise others for low education qualification, this is downright lack of respect to other people. Standing firm with something you have done wrong is not "tough". A real tough person admits he/she is wrong and apologise to those hurt by him/her. A real tough person stands by his/her belief. You are not a tough person, at most, you are only someone who speaks her mind, with no respect of others.
If you look down on your fellow artist, why you participate in this business? Everyone is just trying to make a living, including you. Is it your strategy to hurt others so that you gain the higher moral ground? Readers' eyes cannot be fooled.
Read your Next Mag article again in 10 years time...you will realize how naive you are.
Hope that you will grow up and stay in Book B in the meantime.
好欣賞你果兩句"讀書叻係遺傳","英文差考唔到一線大學係聖士提反師資差", 陳奕希應該學下啦, 講反句"工程學叻係遺傳","大學成績差係科大師資差".
讀中文學校而英文比你好的都唔方少啦, 英文差賴師資, 咁既cheap人都有既.
Take care!
(多來我的站看好吃的喔~ ^_^ )
Erica said...
> 在香港﹐假設不補習﹐除了在學校學中英數, 文科, 理科同商科, 到底哪裡有機會學? 我都自問不多. 不論係咪寄宿學校.
怎麼其他科考得好就話遺傳, 英文科考得唔好就話係師資差. 我相信係英文學校讀書, 差不多上每科都係用英文上課, 接觸英文既機會俾起接觸每一科智識既機會都多. 但反而你冇批評其他科目. 還有, 讀聖士提反而到國外升學到一線大學的更加大有人在.
我都希望你有一點點建設性既理論. 難道你選不到港姐又賴評判眼光嗎?
說到底, 你說學校師資差都只因你一個升唔到一線大學既例子, 你有了解過其他學生可以去到什麼大學嗎? 難道只得我一個唔喜歡你, 就可以總結你係個賤人嗎, 當然我冇咁既意思? 講野經下大腦, 負下責任好羅. 只因個人喜好, 專講埋d是是非非, 只會俾人look down.
「 成 功 既 人 , 只 睇 大 事 , 我 追 求 的 , 叫 國 際 視 野 。 」二 十 七 歲 的 袁 彌 明 說 。
成功既人既字典中冇個"賴"字架, 廢人既理論咪只得個"賴"字羅. 唔通"賴"字理論係叫國際視野咩. 何以見得你只睇大事, 說三道四, 只懂說別人是非都叫做大事/睇大事嗎? 又叫做國際視野嗎? 請回應.
不如說說什麼叫國際視野, 你個blog裡面包含了什麼國際視野. 批評港男? 批評港姐? 批評歌手學歷?
有建設性的留言 = 有point唔naive冇歪理冇人身攻擊的留言 = 佢地冇野留言. =)
dolphinrita: 文章很好看,很合脾胃 ^^
to Anonymous:
i think erica has clarified that already :1) "國際視野"並不是出自我口的﹐是記者對訪問我後對我的整體看法。我的真正想法是﹕不被娛樂圈或藝人的身份束縛﹐放眼其他。''
she does talk about current affairs in Hong Kong, just that most people are not interested in reading.
Nonetheless, 國際視野 does not necessarily imply that you have to talk about international affairs. I think her values and the way she views the world have reflected that. That's why her articles resonate among people with similar values and education background. Such values might not be welcome by the mainstream locals, but if you open your world with a more open mind you will see. So I agree that people should read more english books. This is not in contradiction with appreciating chinese literature. In fact, they can complement each other and through knowing both, you know the world better. But the english world does offer you something that you cannot see if you are limited in your Chinese boundary. this is by no means saying chinese is inferior. The same goes for americans actually. those americans who only see their own country is also extremely shallow, so don't take it as a national offence.
not speaking for anyone. just my point of view as i feel that people here in general don't
really like criticism but criticism most of the time is what makes us or societies proceed.but people here typically view it as 'saying too much' which is mysterious to me.If you don't want to take the point, you just ignore it.What is the sin in speaking up? I feel kind of pessimistic about the future of our society as the norm of our people does not only lack the inside and even worse, intolerant about criticism/ nonmainstream opinion.
hi Ecica,
Guess what , the reason that i interest of your writing , your blog even of you is since i read the article of you from Next Magazine .
Not only you described how's the celeb cheating that stuffs , i don't interest of it ,in fact i know the truth as i was a hair dresser and you know ,we can easy to get some news sometime.
I really interested of your explanation of your family and especially yourself .The feel was hard to explain or perhapes my english isn't good enough to write it out, so touch , i ain't mean that make me cry , its just touch !
I'd like to discover people , especially the outstanding one ,
the inner soul.
hope you well
king lee
Erica said...
唔想係投資銀行過活喎, 說到底, 你有冇本事先得架, 我睇你果間九流大學, 仲要econ唔出名, 入到去i-bank都一定唔係做research analyst啦, 你係掂既就唔使入差九萬皮既PCCW啦, 吹乜者... 知少少行情既都心照啦. 我覺得冇料就應該"吠"少兩句啦.