Enjoy reading!
oh well...i don't Enjoy torturing or emotionally attacking my boyfriends, but sometimes it just happens, simply because i don't love them anymore, don't respect them anymore, but still somehow stuck with them. so itwas just a way to release, to let it out i guess. unconscious acts. i think back on it now, and i will write some apology letters to them, tomorrow.i can be a 小 女 人 , only if i admire him enough to.
18 則留言:
>>yelled @ your boyfriend for 10 min. due to his toothbrush misplacement
今早同品姐係我 blog 中吹水,同時鬧左你幾句。鬧完人並且人地唔知,這不是我向來的所為。人後讚人我時常做,人後鬧人我唔想做。特來通知你一聲。
u seems so proud to admit that u liked to bully classmates and stole their boyfriends.
Hi Erica, will you consider to work in PCCW as a manager again?! But, many colleauges in TTW you know have quitted the job. I also quitted last two months.
I think you are able to be a capable high-level manager.
我是從全民開講裡留意到你們討論時所說的話才得知你這個blog,為什麼原因會吸引到我來觀覽??好簡單因為你已打動了我提出意見的動機haha..., 你發表了很多你對現時香港打工仔的種種不良現象的見解,說概括一點,有很多方面我都認同你的說法
我會一直留意著你所分享的話題,隨時發表回覆,請不要令我失望啊! 遲點再說bye
i'm not proud about it, instead, it's very bad of me to have done so.
this incident has never been reported properly in many of my interviews.
there was a rebellious period in my childhood, in secondary school. i've got "power" from those 大家姐 in school and basically i could do whatever i want. the point i am making is, it's fun when you've got power, but people tend to abuse it to do bad things.
re i dont know,
Sorry but this article makes you sound like a real bitch. The kind that doesn't have any other female friends and guys just wanna f*ck and forget about.
上次有人讚袁小姐的自白,我心諗:你唔好虛偽 d,雖然跟隨別人的思考來作出回應是很高層次的說話技巧,但我真係讚唔落口。亦唔覺得一仔篇報導會幫到袁小姐 d 乜。如果我係導演監製睇完一仔的報導,我一定永遠 blacklist 袁彌明依個人
我中英文真的不是大好,又想放多些時間在近期在blog中新寫的"Art of a Lie"系列,心中又有好blog的題目要寫。
Hi Erica:祝你中秋節快樂,開開心心每一天,寫多些好文章給我們Fans.
Dear 我唔知,
在電腦睇得好辛苦, 冇心機睇, 所以沒有看. 唔駛為我而翻譯. 字多我也懶睇.
其實我係唔鍾意陳太,因為佢仲在政府時,叫政府物料供應既人同佢買麻雀尺,出咩數我就冇問. (聽完當我吹水) 佢咪有單野話用個秘書幫佢唔知打電話定發帖定咩...關於佢娶新抱d野,跟住穿左俾人話, d政府人仲同佢解話, 話佢很忙,所以咁做啫...
我唔識政治,以我呢個街坊小民.認為陳太以前係政務司長,如果佢頂得住老董唔辭職,分分鐘而家已經係凸手. 一離開政府,根本就變回一個平民.
如果唔係煲呔整佢屋企人,我唔知佢兩個以前有咩恩怨啦.陳太而家冇權冇力,係對付唔到煲呔,所以而家咪番出黎參選.拿番d權力和勢力.但係中選又點,只係一個小議員, 你自己都曾經係政府人,好清楚呢個遊戲點玩.
如果第日煲呔唔do,都絕對同佢既結果係唔同,大陸實會好似老董咁, 俾個光榮既寶座你坐,最終地位身份都份都係比一個退休公務員陳太大得多. 所以陳太想報仇..真係..不如勤力d打下小人仲實際.
People develop based on their upbringing and their background. That is why some parts of people tend to change over time. I do believe that Erica has been misperceived in many aspects and she is, in her own little way, trying to make a difference. She uses her history as an example.
So whilst she is still young, and has plenty to learn, and will of course make mistakes, a simple criticism of her is the easiest. But taking what she says and spinning it into something positive and useful is difficult. So I wonder, if all the bloggers out there could actually stop and think constructively for a moment, would that not do a world of good than simply calling her a bitch or being critical of her work?
Food for thought really.
唔好再提自己不快的童年了,就快變成你的新 icon 了,這是一個極之不智的行為。為何不講近代的你自己呢?
為一為自己的形象著想下,唔好再盲衝了,做任何野都需要 skill 的。
Erica, I must say that you're one of the bravest person in the entertainment industry. (Sorry to sound like "a-kissing", but it's true since there are rarely people who are honest about their thoughts like you.) Anyway, glad to read up on the article itself since those you stated in there are very true (or at least I agree to it). Keep it up! (Okay, gotta run back to homework now - see ya next time!)
I don't know:
Somehow, I do not like you. I think the others may agree with me. If "you don't know", dont' pretend to be big. What you have been saying in Erica's blog make me feel that you will forever be small. You will never grow big. Sorry ... coward!
Erica, keep standing straight. I really like you. Do what you think is right, as Steve jobs, you won't be wrong that way.
Hey Erica, enjoyed reading the interview.. I especially agreed with your comment regarding being young and capable, sometimes a headstart in life isn't so much a headstart but rather just results in more explaining and defending you have to do on how you could possibly be experienced/capable and yet young... Age discrimination is so real and a real pain in the a$$.
Was going to put a link to your blog on mine however don't read Chinese!!