搞 到 TVB 不 知 所 謂
杜 琪
鬧 陳 志 雲 騎 呢 怪
導 演 杜 琪 的 敢 言 總 嚇 人 一 跳 , 繼 去 年 指 無
鎮 台 之 寶 汪 明 荃 ( 阿 姐 ) 阻 住 地 球 轉 後 , 前 晚 他 又 開 火 炮 轟 無
總 經 理 陳 志 雲 , 又 金 又 激 的 言 論 , 拍 得 住 大 契 李 司 棋 , 令 《 志 雲 飯 局 》 燒
飯 , 慘 變 飯 焦 。
陳 志 雲 走 出 幕 前 主 持 訪 談 節 目 後 , 曝 光 率 高 過 不 少 旗 下 藝 員 , 同 時 近 年 無 劇 集 水 準 下 跌 也 是 不 爭 的 事 實 , 難 怪 出 身 無
的 阿 杜 , 早 前 獲 六 嬸 方 逸 華 親 邀 回 巢 效 力 。 對 娘 家 愛 之 深 責 之 切 的 阿 杜 , 前 晚 到 香 港 電 影 展 覽 館 出 席 「 大 娛 樂 家 . 王 天 林 」 電 影 回 顧 展 覽 開 幕 酒 會 時 , 不 留 情 面 狠 批 TVB 兼 聲 言 拒 絕 重 返 無
, 阿 杜 說 : 「 點 解 我 要 返 去 拍 劇 ? 過
咁 耐 , 唔 出 現 就 唔 出 現 , 電 影 同 電 視 係 兩 種 工 作 , 我 電 影 都 有 排 學 。 」
暗 寸 宣 傳 新 戲
問 阿 杜 是 否 認 同 現 時 電 視 劇 水 準 下 降 時 , 他 踩 無

大 導 演 杜 琪 前 晚 鬧 「 騎 呢 怪 」 陳 志 雲 搞 出 個 「 騎 呢 台 」 , 開 火 燒
志 雲 飯 局 。
21 則留言:
子華慨嘆說 : 「 每間公司都有politics 。」
志雲兄回應 : 「We don't have politics. We only have religion.」
志雲兄回應 : 「We don't have politics. We only have religion.」
不錯,陳生說的也不無道理,當我們看[ 溏心風暴 ]時,[ 溏心教派 ]的 [ 鮑魚 ]理論和其中的勾心鬥角人生哲理,確令本港人民得到最完美的哲學教育,令香港反智思潮進一步超英趕美。
[ 萬千豬西賀台慶 ] 堪稱一絕,也不忘有個 [ 一舊雲飯局 ] ~
咁我明白點解陳志雲做唔到AO啦,子華慨嘆嘅事係common sense噃~~~~~~:)
I think TV is less important in our generation now as there are many forms of entertainment. Rather than thinking too much into how to improve the current TV industry, may be we should spend more time to enjoy sports, read more books / newspaper / magazines, and browse the Net.
BTW, watching too much TV is not that great for a balance life.
Just my honest opinion. I hope i will not offend you by my comment. I think you are trying very hard to defame TVB and 志雲. Trying to gather others' support. It's ok,you have your own view. Also, for us as TV viewers, we can do our own judgement whether TVB is performing good or not. To me, i think it's fine. 志雲 is doing very well. he can be a good manager, at the same time, he is a good host. It's his job and interest. nothing is wrong. I don't understand why people accuse him of too arrogant. At least, I can see that 志雲飯局 is a very successful show.
So, the more you try to defame him or TVB, the more you showing yourself you a such a loser. no one will pity you, just laugh at you only. get a life
Why can't a General Manager host a talk show - stereotype? I don't know much about 陳志雲 but I feel that he has passion for work and he should earn some respect.
I think religion is the correct word. I learnt about it somewhere.
Why can't a General Manager host a talk show - stereotype? I don't know much about 陳志雲 but I feel that he has passion for work and he should earn some respect.
Thanks for your advice,but,where is the source as you said learnt about it somewhere......:}
Erica is quite ok, I think. Why can't she work in entertainment industry and "學術界" at the same time? I don't really like TVB's music show for a long time. It's a freak show! Only freaks went there. And the MC sucks! Shorter than most of the female singers... I think the cameramen should have a hard time to include him and those taller singers in the same screen. Suen ba la... go to back to the mountain with Fox-Ney (Sorry... she's my schoolmate) and Car-Shaker.
Erica is right. Recently, Mr. Chan's interview show is the worst of the worst. And he is a bit gay-gay-dey... Once I heard the music from my home office, I turned off the TV. He interviewed some outdated people like Ah Lam, Fat Fat, etc. Elder people know their stories and young people don't care. Fold it up la. Don't waste the air time and leave the chances for newer artists. Back to office and read newspaper or consider to "freeze" anyone he doesn't like.
Btw, I think Erica is quite sexy... just a bit fat on the face (it doesn't annoy me). Keep it up, Erica!
I cannot tell now where I learnt about this expression. I am sure you know about the word "religion". Try to put yourself in 陳志雲's shoe and see if you get the message he was conveying. I think 陳志雲 was trying to impress his audience that there are beliefs commonly held within TVB and politics / conflicts just don't exist. You can, of course, agree or disagree with his statement.
didn't he give two sets of DVD that have patrick teng in them to director li-an?
Omg, shame on him!