昨天晚上要幫replay品牌的活動做MC,黃昏就到了hair set 頭。我跟發型師說了昨天的倒霉事,他說那筆錢還是有一半機會失而復得,因為那是刑事罪,不是每個人敢拿的。我聽了當是一個安慰。未幾,電話響,是電話鋪老板Addy,說display已修好,隨時可以拿。電話鋪就在Hair旁邊,所以我雖Set“行”個頭、踩著4吋高跟boots,還用跑的沖到電話鋪贖回我的寶貝。太好了!
到達蘭桂坊FINDS。進去就看見好友jolie!原來她是model之一。我跟她雖是好朋友,卻不常見面,久不久通個電話update一下近況,也極少在工作環境碰頭。So we chatted for a while to update each other as usual. 見她有這么好的job真的替她高興!
活動完結我還是逗留了好一陣子,到處chit chit chat chat。
at last, when i was really about to leave, i was stopped by a young man. He said i did great as that night's MC (dah di dah on the same subject.) So I asked him what he's been doing in hk. he said he's from Germany and he's studying at HKU as an exchange.
(three weeks ago, I had a meeting with Cosmo Books (天地圖書)to disucss my upcoming book. their editor was very kind; she brought me their latest published books as a gift. one of them was "親愛的安德烈“,

So i told this young man, lucus, that i sort of know someone who's doing the same thing as him, also from Germany. lucas said he probably knew that person then. so i said,"his name is andreas. his mother is a very famous writer!"
lucas said,"you know what, he is right behind me."
I looked over and saw Andreas. I said," that's him!!"
So I introduced myself to andreas and we started chatting.
It's weird because I felt like I already knew that person (from reading his letters) in our first met.
Andreas: Thanks for the drink, btw, i didn't expect a 21 year-old young man to treat me.
So that was about last night.