
蘋 果 批 : 醫 療 融 資 溶 掉 民 脂

蘋 果 批

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陳大文部落 說...



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Josekin 說...

Free market approach calls for the government to intervene when there are side effects, such as externalities (nobody paying for street lights is the prominent example).

There are three components in every day life where the user (i.e. you and me and everybody else) does not always realize the future benefit of the action, and therefore under-invests in it, thereby generating future losses that the user did not intend in the first place.

The three are: education, healthcare, and retirement.

It is difficult for most to visualize the benefit of education. Many families would love their kids to attend college... if the family economics hold up. Some don't, then skip education, and end up in a lower income bracket. They no doubt would want a do-over. Government policies help ensure people stay in school... to a certain extent.

I, for one, do not see the benefit of health care, just like I do not see the benefir of car insurance. Until I get into an accident. If I had a choice, I would under-invest in health insurance. This may come back to haunt me in the future (knock on wood). The government policy to force health care fund addresses this issue. Regardless of its rights and wrongs, many fail to recognize the intentions: to steer the free market in the "right way."

Retirement is another issue many under-invest in. At 28, retirement is still a long way for me, yet I've invested in many retirement vehicles because I am aware of their benefits once I cease to have an income. However, not everybody has that foresight. For families who have more immediate needs such as food and electricity, retirement is far from their minds. Yet when the age hits, some of these families find themselves in a situation where there is no income and no retirement fund. Again, the government policy attempts to "right" this.

While people don't have to agree on the tactics, they should at least acknowledge the intent. As far as I can tell, none of the people who are complaining have a compelling method or policy to address the issue.

Geez I'm tired. No more typing.