明 Blog 你 : 2007 得 失 盤 點
最 後 一 篇 2007 年 專 欄 文 章 , 是 時 候 總 結 過 去 一 年 所 見 所 聞 。
應 蘇 師 傅 所 說 , 今 年 是 我 是 非 和 大 混 亂 之 年 , 果 然 準 。 六 月 份 一 篇 無 心 之 blog 被 《 蘋 果 》 轉 載 後 , blog 文 自 此 成 為 愛 斷 章 取 義 的 雜 誌 報 道 來 源 , 後 來 演 化 成 逢 星 期 五 的 《 明 blog 你 》 專 欄 。
有 危 自 然 有 機
九 月 份 因 專 欄 的 文 章 激 怒 了 有 勢 力 人 士 , 主 持 工 作 說 停 就 停 。 聽 起 來 情 況 危 殆 , 但 我 相 信 有 危 才 有 機 , 柳 暗 花 明 又 一 村 。 混 亂 總 比 安 定 地 耗 在 廠
十 年 八 載 , 所 謂 「 聽 聽 話 話 」 任 人 擺 佈 好 。 而 且 這 麼 一 來 我 才 發 現 從 寫 作 所 獲 得 的 滿 足 感 , 比 當 讀 稿 員 大 太 多 。
以 前 當 街 坊 朋 友 說 有 看 我 節 目 , 我 第 一 反 應 就 是 老 實 不 客 氣 地 訓 示 對 方 : 「 睇 乜 鬼 呀 , 早
啦 ! 夜
傷 肝 呀 。 」 但 是 現 在 , 無 論 甚 麼 時 候 , 對 象 是 何 人 , 當 他 們 說 有 看 我 的 專 欄 , 我 還 是 笑 得 見 牙 不 見 眼 , 衷 心 說 : 「 多 謝 ! 我 深 愛 我 所 有 讀 者 。 」
從 留 言 看 人 心
對 我 來 說 , 寫 作 的 目 的 抒 發 和 分 享 。 抒 發 是 一 種 個 人 滿 足 , 分 享 則 是 與 讀 者 的 交 流 , 透 過 blog 上 的 留 言 功 能 , 更 可 即 時 了 解 讀 者 所 想 , 何 處 有 共 鳴 , 何 處 有 異 議 , 彼 此 勉 勵 和 切 磋 , 相 得 益 彰 。
不 過 , 我 的 留 言 版 中 , 不 時 出 現 一 些 讓 我 「 勞 氣 」 的 留 言 , 勞 氣 不 在 於 他 們 對 我 的 人 身 攻 擊 ( 已 經 習 慣 了 ) , 而 是 這 個 社 會 是 怎 樣 培 養 了 這 些 人 , 憎 人 富 貴 厭 人 窮 , 嬉 笑 傲 慢 地 踐 踏 別 人 而 獲 得 快 感 。
匿 名 留 言 的 人 , 像 一 個 住 在 你 對 面 樓 的 偷 窺 漢 , 留 意 你 一 舉 一 動 , 稍 不 留 神 被 他 偷 看 到 你 換 衣 服 的 一 刻 , 他 興 奮 不 止 , 還 要 用 133 打 個 電 話 跟 你 留 個 言 , 說 聲 : 「 我 看 到 了 ! 嘿 嘿 嘿 … … 。 」
變 態 ! 以 下 節 錄 了 幾 個 讓 我 勞 氣 的 留 言 , 我 想 知 道 到 底 是 我 有 問 題 所 以 覺 得 這 些 人 有 問 題 , 還 是 正 常 的 普 羅 大 眾 都 覺 得 他 們 有 問 題 , 還 是 他 們 根 本 就 沒 問 題 。
Blog 文 內 容 : 述 我 倒 楣 的 一 天 。 去 ATM 拿 7,000 元 , 拿 了 卡 , 沒 拿 錢 。 後 來 電 話 屏 幕 無 故 失 靈 。
留 言 1 ) "Erica must be taking cash to pay for sexual service. What kind of company doesn't take credit card or check? Cash only? Duck ah? Must be ( an*) expen(s*)ive duck."
我 的 反 應 : 我 得 罪 你 嗎 ? 何 以 咒 我 叫 鴨 ?
留 言 2 ) 「 抵 死 啦 咁 多 現 錢 都 唔 記 得 拿 , 自 己 蠢 唔 好 怨 人 啦 , 又 話 壞 電 話 想 博 同 情 之 嘛 , 話 自 己 提 七 千 蚊 show quali 。 」
我 的 反 應 : 壞 電 話 都 可 以 博 同 情 ? 有 甚 麼 好 同 情 。 提 7,000 蚊 叫 show quali ? 戶 口 有 7,000 蚊 就 有 quali?
留 言 3 ) 「 erica 你 好 蠢 又 跌 錢 又 壞 電 話 , 提 咁 多 錢 做 咩 呀 , 我 都 係 我 boyfriend 畀 , 佢 有 card 畀 我 。 」
我 的 反 應 : 請 問 壞 電 話 和 我 蠢 有 甚 麼 關 係 ? 在 我 的 blog 留 言 版 晒 命 有 甚 麼 好 處 ?
Blog 文 內 容 : 推 薦 一 本 書 給 讀 者 , 書 名 《 思 維 鍛 煉 法 》
留 言 : 「 只 是 看 工 具 書 , 袁 小 姐 你 文 化 真 有 限 ! most girls ( are*) better than you. 」
我 的 反 應 : 推 薦 好 書 都 被 人 寸 , 天 理 何 在 !
還 有 一 位 人 士 , 在 facebook 發 訊 息 給 我 , 他 / 她 叫 cheung wing wing 。
「 好 心 你 唔 好 成 日 講 人 , 你 又 唔 係 有 錢 , 你 講
都 冇 人 信 。 但 係 如 果 你 好 似 李 ka 欣 咁 有 錢 , 你 講
就 有 人 聽 。 我 同 你 講 , 我 age 30 身 家 都 有 300 萬 呀 。 」
我 的 反 應 : 有 錢 人 講 就 有 人 信 ? 聖 誕 33,000 點 你 一 定 信 到 十 足 啦 。 身 家 300 萬 關 我 鬼 事 呀 ?
洞 察 犯 罪 思 想
有 人 說 是 民 智 大 倒 退 , 我 覺 得 這 跟 智 慧 無 關 。 是 匿 名 留 言 成 為 了 一 些 人 顯 示 其 陰 暗 面 的 渠 道 , 要 多 陰 暗 , 有 多 陰 暗 。 盡 情 過 後 竟 無 人 知 曉 自 己 的 所 作 所 為 , 是 犯 罪 者 的 心 理 。當 然 , 以 上 只 是 少 數 留 言 者 的 範 本 。 有 很 多 有 識 之 士 無 條 件 地 花 很 多 時 間 和 心 思 留 言 給 我 , 我 是 由 衷 的 感 謝 他 們 。
今 年 的 最 大 收 穫 之 一 , 是 從 留 言 版 以 第 一 身 份 , 接 觸 到 世 界 各 地 不 同 階 層 的 人 的 意 見 和 想 法 , 擴 闊 了 眼 界 , 加 深 了 對 社 會 和 人 性 的 理 解 。
預 祝 大 家 有 一 個 愉 快 的 新 年 , Happy 2008 !
* 經 作 者 修 改
攝 影 : 陳 慧 安
化 妝 : Kathy Lam ( Ciao Bella )
髮 型 : Nelson ( Hair )
服 裝 : BELLA
場 地 : Backstage
53 則留言:
i will support u ... from the day u become famous, i think many things need to sacrify..
but doesn't mean that u have to suffer a lot of words from the others...
so i think u are so brave^_^
hey, 袁小姐...
不論男女, 邊個睇自己唔順眼邊個留意自己一舉一動,其實係一件值得高興的事. 至少因為擁有本錢的人才會招惹冇本錢的人妒忌甚至日夜留意你而已.
妳掂既, 信妳撐到 >3<
Hi Erica,
Don't worry about other people's criticism. Just like Michael Moore, he's a popular movie director but he has many opposition at the same time.
Have a fabulous new year.
Just like Michael Moore?
Michael Moore made great movies. What the hell has Erica ever done? Oh wait, she criticizes a lot and use other people as her stepping-stone for media coverage. Thats right...she is right up there with great director Michael Moore! LMAO.
Dear erica,上面的留言對,你是明日巨星,才貌相全,好多無聊留言都是臭男人所為,數臭他們不要以為弱者是好欺負,不喜歡可以不來,共勉之.
you are the wonderful girl of my heart
lu paradise
Stranger from America,
Notice the word “earn”. Yes, respect is “earned”. It is not something that is given to you for free, like everything else that your parents have given you so far.
How they had commented on you were just like what you did to TVB.
People who lack self-reflections are always the most unsuccessful group of people! And yes, I think you definitely are one of them. I don't mean to be slanderous but from what I've read about you, I think you appear to be TOO confident and even a bit egocentric.
I don't think you understand why people are always picking on you. For sure I've noticed that some of the comments were pretty abusive, but some of them were totally true. You do have some problems with your personality or whatever that makes you act so ungraciously. When you are being so hypercritical on others' ill-manners, do you EVER do introspection on everything that you've done and try to figure out why people are being SO negative about you? Simply because you never do, you tend to shift all the responsibilities to whose people who had criticized you. Posting some really ridiculous comments in your column, trying to gain people's sympathy and at the same time acting like you are just innocent? These all worth a thumb DOWN. You are just doing something to hurt your image (or you just don't freaking care because you think you can't be any worse)
Sometimes you gotta be rational and realistic...otherwise you would just be one of the kind of people who left you stupid comments!
I really hope to see a better you, less complaints and more on your work!
Being hypercritical doesn't make you a better writer, but humility would definitely makes you a better person!
既然咁憎袁小姐,仲成日上黎鬧佢咒罵同教精佢做乜?不如放長雙眼睇佢點死仲好哈哈哈,何必上黎幫袁小姐train EQ。
u a the most wonderful girl in my heart that i've ever meet!
ur forever fans~
感謝妳表揚我們在過去對妳的支持,來年我們將一如既往的睇Blog,俾意見.最重要是莊敬自強,那些跳樑者的蜀犬吠日?Just ignore it~~~~~~!:P
我睇完黃子華,裡面有一段講 D人一上網,便會講佢地平日生活完全唔敢講的東西:總之一句到尾!好正。聽完便會明點解網上面的言論咁變態!佢地平時壓抑得好緊要呀。
彌明 said...
是 匿 名 留 言 成 為 了 一 些 人 顯 示 其 陰 暗 面 的 渠 道 , 要 多 陰 暗 , 有 多 陰 暗 。 盡 情 過 後 竟 無 人 知 曉 自 己 的 所 作 所 為 , 是 犯 罪 者 的 心 理 。
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind by Gustav LeBon (1895)
Have a look~~~~~~:)
Dear Erica,
I dont like u at the beginning, and thought u're just the one who loves to "show off" inside that many.
However, I understand u better after reading ur blog. U're truly honest & lovely, that is rare in this world now.
Go ahead & be urself, i support u too!
Dear erika,
一直有睇你係蘋果ge 專欄,今日睇到d人咁講都好嬲,所以特登搵你個blog黎support你!不過作為artist一定會有讚有彈,希望你會睇得開!
其實一直都好欣賞你既率直坩白,因為宜家(especially娛樂圈)冇咩人會好似你咁真!而且你既文筆都係我意料之既好,尤其記得有篇講"自給自充既快樂"同埋"比較而得到既快樂"令我好有共鳴,我更加覺得你係一個有深度既女仔,所以我都幾欣賞你!我會keep住睇你既文章架!希望你係寫作方面得到滿足感,同埋繼續寫d好文章出黎!support you!
from antonia
"You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same. "
by Jonathan Davis
People don't support you, therefore, something must be wrong with THEM. They are the 罪人.
Typical Hong Kong menality. Self-centered.
袁小姐鬧完TVB, 又鬧男人, 怡家又鬧留comment嘅人. 成個blog好似鵝頸橋!
Dear Erica ,
Happy New Year & have a good start at 2008
Leona's Blog的常客也過來坐陣,好現象呀!彌明,妳成功了~~~~~~:)
Worth to give a thought to what "Jan" wrote to you. At least, I can see he/she is sincere in giving the message.
And not to be spoiled by your die-hard fans and henec tend to ignore those positive criticism.
Wish you a better year in 2008.
TVB 文化是香港文化的一個毒瘤,像Stranger from America一樣以為識雞腸就代表有文化,左一句respect右一句respect,似足TVB電視劇啲對白。
可能佢覺得咁多人想入TVB妳入到仲唔好好地做?佢唔明世界其實好大,大過TVB,主持工作停了妳仲唔failure?妳離開TVB仲紅過之前响TVB(起碼妳响tvb我唔識妳,但依家我有妳blog link),的確令TVB信徒咬牙切齒!
鄭融 is not bad either. At least she doesn't pretend to be a 才女. She enjoys life and is not shy to share it. It is her job to promote herself (even in her blog) as a performer, and she is doing a very good job at it.
Not like 袁彌明 who is always sitting on her high horse pretending to be above all. People with little self-esteem think she is courageous for speaking out her mind, but most of the stuff she have said are full of her egocentric crap.
If this is the way she tries to promote herself, she really sucks at it.
People hate you because you are successful. Haha. Keep telling yourself that. Great way to comfort a loser.
如果 people hate you because you are sucessful .
董建華 is very very sucessful , too .
maybe erica yuen is same level as Mr Tung .
that's it .
"像 Stranger from America 一樣以為識雞腸就代表有文化,"
Did my english made you feel inferior? Sounds like it.
English is the only language I know how to type on the computer. I have never express the idea that English = 優越文化. You did. So in other words, you felt culturally inferior because someone else used English as his/her only language. How sad.
Typical Hong Konger.
And in reply to your false assumption, no, I do not watch TVB in America. My opinion on 袁彌明 is based solely on the things I read in her blog. Which to me reflected how pathetic she is.
Yup. I am not a TVB fan. Not a Stepty Fan. Just someone that accidentally clicked into her blog and realized how full of shit a person can be.
A lot of Hong Kong women pretend to be 才女. To me, talent (才) comes from personal experience and intellectual abilities (maybe some Education). 袁彌明 completely lacks any of the qualities of a 才女. You can say she is a spoiled bitch more than anything.
Reading how she described her youth, doesn't sound like she changed much.
Stranger from America
'如果 people hate you because you are successful.
董建華 is very very successful , too.'
第一:妒不同恨,你會妒忌老董嗎?若 有,大抵你跟他一般貨式。
I think you are really a sucker!
wanda,joe,christina, 天蔚 ,jan,and a lot of anonymous:
thanks for your support.
pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. what other words do you know to describe me except this one word?
i really don't see who on the world is more pathetic than you, stacking at people's blog and leaving nasty comments to get your self-fulfillment.
"Typical Hong Konger." ?
----Yes we all are typical hongkongers, what's wrong with that?
you think you're more superior than typical hongkongers then? because you live in america?
----who ever referred me as 才女?no one except you. i hate this term. i also never admit that i am one. come on, i'm not Chinese Literature or English Literature major for god sake. I only hold an "inferior" econ degree according to you.
i love reading 卓韻芝 too.
有人話讀經濟學唔知有咩用,咁唔知有無聽過Prof Muhammad Yunus及Grameen Bank呢?
第一:妒不同恨,你會妒忌老董嗎?若 有,大抵你跟他一般貨式。
落場討論,係喎, e 度係用o黎清算人ge. 哈哈
'落場討論,係喎, e 度係用o黎清算人ge. 哈哈'
Just a random thought: Erica, you should have a 'blog gathering event'. It'd be fun to meet all these people in here :)
喜歡看你的文章; 喜歡看各界網友給你的留言; 正面負面的我都喜歡看. 感謝你提供這樣一個平台, 讓我能體驗多一點點的人生百態. 謹祝 新年快樂
Reading Chinese on computer is different from writing chinese on computer. Matter of fact, I can't even write chinese on paper. If you think someone that use English as their first language means 代表有文化, then you already felt inferior.
You are pathetic.
Stranger from America
Stranger from America,
You are the most extreme pathetic.
Hahahahha. Geez, you guys are hilarious !!! When is it gonna end? There're no 'right' or 'wrong' answers... Anyway, I'm just gonna follow the flow: Stranger from America, you are extremely extremely extremely pathetic !!!
To 'Stranger from America',apart from the word, 'pathetic', are there any other words to describe a person? Maybe I can give you a list of choice. For example, the words to describe you are: Scrathing satirist, sadistic slave driver,sardonic cut-up and irate loose cannon.
I hope it helps.
Stranger from America,
To stranger from america,
Even you don't like Erica, I don't see why you have to use words like pathetic, bitch etc. This has become personal attack.
"Just someone that accidentally clicked into her blog"?
You just can't make me believe so. Instead, you made me wonder what kind of hatred do you have with her, uh?
Your act reflects nothing but a loser's disgusting behavior.
Hey guys. Got an idea. How about pointing out anything I've said about Erica that you don't find to be true??
You can't. All my opinion about her is true and you know it. Its just a matter of time until TVB sues her ass off. LMAO. What a complete failure.
Yeah.....attack the language I speak. Attack my use of words. But you can't deny my opinion are correct. Erica is a pathetic failure.
Stranger from America
Stranger from America 嘅字裡行間充份表現出佢係好鬼死憎袁彌明,仲要係憎到入心入肺,似係喺現實生活中有私怨多過網上路過睇唔過眼嗰種。假如真係後者,咁呢位Stranger嘅問題都幾嚴重吓:假設你真係唔認識袁小姐本人,但居然單憑睇過佢啲文章就當佢仇人咁鬧,仲係契而不捨近乎不理性咁去鬧?!既然你睇佢寫嘅嘢睇得唔順眼咁,仲睇嚟把鬼?一路睇一路鬧,鬧完仲要睇,你唔覺自己好無聊咩?無聊嘅話 I suggest you get a life。
Stranger from America 成日睇一個佢勁憎既人既blog,跟住又要留意其他回應點樣指責佢然後反擊,一定死好多細胞。
明眼人都睇得出Stranger from America唔同一般唔鍾意Erica既人,佢係憎Erica憎到入心入肺。佢批評Erica唔係出自好意,只係想踩佢、發洩自己既怒氣。有時講到自己好似了解Erica,撩起晒佢自以為係對方既弱點然後攻擊人,好黑心。
Stranger from America未必係現實生活中識得袁小姐,但以佢對袁小姐既憎恨,我諗好有可能係袁小姐有d特質係同佢本身好憎既人相似,或者係妒忌一d袁小姐有但佢冇既野。
講真呢度除左你Stranger from America本人,我諗冇乜邊個會care究竟袁彌明係咪pathetic囉!你可以由朝到晚係個腦度諗住"Erica is a pathetic failure" "Erica is a pathetic failure"
"Erica is a pathetic failure"
"Erica is a pathetic failure"
"Erica is a pathetic failure"。
冇架,Erica繼續enjoys her life,一眾網民得閒上黎睇下有咩新post,睇完就算,你咪繼續"Erica is a pathetic failure" "Erica is a pathetic failure" 囉!
瑞士央行忍無可忍!繼早前多次出招遏止瑞士法郎升勢無效,央行昨日突然宣佈與歐元掛鈎,並把歐元兌瑞郎的下限定於 1.2瑞郎水平,情況為 30年來首見 :)
06 - 09- 2011