
The fame thing isn't really real, you
know. Don't forget -- I'm also just a
girl. Standing in front of a boy.
Asking him to love her.

Pause. She kisses him on the cheek.


Then turns and leaves. Leaving him.

4 則留言:

ll 說...

an audience who herself is an actress

匿名 說...

well...ur blog will be read by many ppl very soon, coz appledaily posted ur link...but i really appreciate what u've said...haha^^

匿名 說...

Erica, I love these lines too. From Notting Hill, right? Btw, I really appreciate your honesty towards this crazy HK.

2005mhk18@gmail.com 說...

i thought this line was pretentious during the movie... but now i kind of understand... tho it doesn't matter anymore.