如果要我寫生活上遇到non-sense的人和事, 我大概可以寫5000個blog posts.
尤其是開了mimingmart之後, 要跟不同範疇的人/公司/supplier/vendor/creative合作, 更深深體會到 Common sense is actually not that common.
Let's take for example, 今天我如常回到銅鑼灣mimingmart, 桌面有信, 有護膚品樣板什麽, 還有一疊黑白色影印, 上面釘了一張卡片. 我看也沒看就隨手丟在廢紙箱.
那疊黑白影印是某個品牌的product catalog, in 影印紙 format, in black and white.
哥哥, 你是不是expect我看完這一疊黑白影印之後會對你的產品著迷, 然後非常興奮地主動打給你, 大呼: "正呀, 我要!"
我現在就花點時間告訴你 what I expect from a sales person.
1) 打一個非常formal的email介紹他自己, 他公司, 他的產品. Attach product catalog, 公司簡介.
2) 在email裏提出會議邀請
3) 帶同所有產品 (full size, 不是sample size) 到我公司來開會
4) 帶備所有產品的full ingredient lists, lab test results, certificates if any, 還有price list (零售和批發價)
5) 現場替我試用產品, 解釋產品的好處和銷售情況.
6) 留下我有興趣的產品(full size)讓我回家用至少1-2個星期.
7) 開會之後每3日打一次給我問我覺得產品怎樣 (雖然我會很煩, 但這是一個sales必須做的事), 再次解釋產品如何優越. 追我入貨.
麻煩不要送一些samples/sachets給我試, 我要full size, 我要看清楚你的盒子, 你的包裝, 你個pump會不會壞, 我要用兩個多星期.
如果我說要full size, 你面有難色, 我也不會為難你. 一個吝嗇的supplier是我的噩夢, 連tester都不送, 要我自己貼的supplier, 謝了.
弟弟, 你現在明白你那疊黑白色影印, 是何等荒謬嗎?
18 則留言:
沒有說什麼是common sense,視乎你用什麼角度去想,主動提供要求,可能會被人說你'寸',但亦令有心sell 東西的人知道你的要求。做多一步,予人方便總會有回報。
Common sense: if I 主動 communicate with another person, that person will communicate back.
Sales sense: if I can give another person what he/she wants to see, wants to hear, wants to feel, wants to try, wants to sell, that person will communicate back.
Your friend is lacking sales sense.
With common sense, he should know that his sales approach wouldn't work.
咁你又諗諗, 你生意係唔錯, 但點都唔夠大公司賣得好gua?
你要好質素的suppliers, 有! 要做到你要求的, 有! 但係人地未必需要放係你到賣.
大概就得番d黑白影印 suppliers啦. 有好質素但又唔係大brand的products, 你都賣緊啦.
Great points.
It's not about how big the brand is and how colorful the catalogs are, it's about sincerity and how much you believe in your products when you sell.
If you truly believe in your products, then it will show in your sales / sharing process. That's the way you get clients.
back to the common sense part ,
that black and white catalog is way too stupid .
no matter how good ur products are , no one is interested in reading at that catalog 1st =3="
基本上, 呢個SALES弟弟就係冇用心去SELL野啦, 莫非佢D product經已係好好賣唔憂做? 但如果係咁,佢仲洗乜上黎SELLS你呀? 例行公事都唔好做得咁求其,唔做冇人話你錯,做左反而比人覺得你底能, 呢D叫多餘!
sounds 'perfectly' make common sense in your princess world, but sadly this world doesnt work this way.
i guess everyone like a sincere salesman, would you ever think to be a good customer, and how would that be look like? only demanding?
i like you speaking your mind out loud. sometimes need to be sentimental and considerate.
that would be very stupid to do all at once on your list... it got to be step by step, what if you just want to take a look, steal the idea and not geniously want to buy at the end? could you post the next blog to list how to be a good customer?
sounds 'perfectly' make common sense in your princess world, but sadly this world doesnt work this way.
----oops, it works this way most of the time.
I think it is perfectly fine to do what you have listed. These are the BASICS of what a salesperson should do!
If they did not have resources to produce a colored catalogue, then I don't think this is a supplier you have to consider. They probably would be lack of funding and closed at any time anyway.
And I also agree that it is a matter of sincerity.
Being a good customer - first of all, pay on time. Do not complain for no reason. Doesn't mean I should not demand a sincere salesperson to deliver me something in a professional manner.
Your comment on the "uncommon sense" is really "common" for salespersons, yet most of them are usually too lazy to think of.
BTW, a demanding customer liked you could always be a good sales person.
i am disappoined that the pump of the rose squalene (the bigger size) sucks! The top just broke and now I still have half a bottle left! So frustrated!
we have extras. please email me at yuenmiming@gmail.com