

18 則留言:

Faye 說...

個古仔好9十年代, 好好笑, 想死呀. 好彩拍得你幾靚.

匿名 說...


匿名 說...


shizuoka2002 說...




匿名 說...


匿名 說...

erica you really need to train up your acting skills, no one acts like this. It is too exaggerating that it makes the performance not convincing at all..
I have to say your acting is suitable for drama, where you have to project yourself but for television it is really way too dramatic.

匿名 說...

你驚!?驚人踩你? 我係琴日話你 叫你自省改善果位人。你唔夠膽post我D留言出黎? 淨係識post撐你ge留言?? 你夠膽企出黎指3話4,就唔膽俾人踩你?? 因為你心虛,你唔夠膽俾人指你不是,你太睇得起自己喇! 你真係要反省下喇! 如果你唔驚人地彈你,唔驚人地鬧你就post我ge留言,記住仲有琴日e留言!

2005mhk18@gmail.com 說...



2005mhk18@gmail.com 說...

this is not drama, this is 鬧劇。

Kit 說...

Well,I think Erica acts quite naturally.In fact this kind of comedy need to act in a more dramatic way.But I think Erica acts in a natural way,she can handle it anyway.And I think she is so lovely
in this comedy~^^

And I think those who don't like Erica really don't need to leave comments here.
What's the point of leaving negative words here?
This is "ERICA"S BLOG"!So weird....

Erica,Happy Valentine's Day~~^^I can only have mine alone,because my bf is not in HK,
so poor....

匿名 說...

That's quite adorable, would have been even more captivating had you enriched the role with more subtle body language to reflect your inner feelings. Learning mime will be useful. Just my subjective opinion. No need to take it serious.

That's an interesting farce.


joyzzzz 說...

erica~我係Order Number1195既Joyce,我揀左16號CWB交收,但form度未renew,係咪都OK架喇?

2005mhk18@gmail.com 說...

yes it's ok... i'll bring more just in case.

匿名 說...


匿名 說...

What's the point of leaving negative words here?
This is "ERICA"S BLOG"!
Well, I think those people leave negative words in Erica's blog is because the blog attracts them. There are too many people who don't have enough self esteem and want to damage other people so as to make themselves feel better.

By filtering out those negative comments, Erica is losing the moral highground that she used to have.
It made her words and social comment less convincing morally. People could dismiss her comments just as she dismiss those hater comments in this blog.

In one of the interviews in magazine Erica actually said that I allow those who attack me and those who praise me to leave comments in the blog. I am unlike those people who only let their "good" side show, I show my flaws and merits truthfully out there. I am not afraid.

That is quite dubious now.
Losing your moral supremacy for these bunch of scumbags. Is it worth it?

2005mhk18@gmail.com 說...




匿名 說...

I think you have alot of advantages in acting.
at least you look the part you are photogenic.
But my humble opinion is,
1) You need to think what the character is thinking not what physical cues do the character has alone. I mean the whole thought process of that character, e.g. if you are trying to play a schizophrenic patient don't think what kind of physical gestures do that patient has but try to think in a schizophrenic way.

2) From the clips, there is a strange gap/ transition between you yourself Erica and the character you are trying to play. Such is evident in the moments when you are listening to the florist (which you seemed to be yourself) and when you talk to your partner (when you play the character).

匿名 說...

Tsing Ma Bridge !
