

(星島)11月22日 星期六 06:30


(星島日報 報道)袁彌明 、楊嘉雯和黃倩婷昨日現身旺角 街頭,為亞視 新節目《生活著數台》宣傳,並大派免費燒賣給市民,吸引不少途人排隊索取!

  袁彌明表示非首次到旺角街頭出席宣傳活動,絕不擔心人流多而要護胸,或怕途人會撲過來。說到經濟不景,她透露也有買開倉平貨,覺得現在應慳則慳,還透 露有炒期指,正過着半炒股半師奶的生活,閒時也有到超市掃平貨。


8 則留言:

匿名 說...

Oh! hong kong food !


Unknown 說...


匿名 說...

I really hate these HK media when they always take a small thing and make big deal out of it.
"絕不擔心人流多而要護胸,或怕途人會撲過來" is an absoulte ridiculous thing to ask you and to say it on the newspaper. Don't they think all girls would protect themselves when they hang out in MK too?

That's just my two cent opinion. I hope you don't mind. :)

2005mhk18@gmail.com 說...

I totally understand and agree with what you said.
reporters had nothing else to ask me except:你驚不驚被人摸胸?
i was like:好人好姐去旺角,怕什麽被人摸胸?

but if my answer is the opposite, the heading would become "袁彌明怕被人非禮”。and then readers would think i'm a freak.

sigh... that's hk media... what can i do??

陳大文部落 說...

-->but if my answer is the opposite, the heading would become "袁彌明怕被人非禮”..



1. 袁彌明怕步官恩娜後塵防電車男摸胸 or

2. 袁彌明:「咪摸呀!」恐怕狂男胸襲 or

3. 袁彌明派燒賣:『咪想摸我個胸!』or

4. 袁彌明見人多狂護胸兼黑面 <---呢個勁啲,你即時成為港女 No.1

如果要煲下是非,呢類標題咁上下啦,內文一百字唔駛,好易做嗟,主要 sell 個標題之嘛。


匿名 說...


聶秀康 說...

I always dine here MONGKOK is place so peaceful everybody don't too nervous!!!

陳大文部落 說...

其實傳媒最鍾意係咩呢,就係最想用最 cheap 最就手嘅方法,搞到一有女仔就好似全條街都係色狼,個個男人都好似餓左十日十夜咁,一見有女仔( 或靚女 ) 就會原始獸性爆發,就咁樣去 Stereotype 別人,到時又有話題話旺角( 或所有男人 ) 係電車男色情狂,而袁....就係港女正宗。
