陳 冠 希 昨 日 在 記 者 招 待 會 坦 言 會 退 出 香 港 娛 樂 圈 及 多 次 求 大 家 原 諒 , 不 過 一 班 圈 中 人 都 對 他 大 為 反 感 , 繼 續 炮 轟 他 。
袁 彌 明 : 好 多 傳 聞 都 話 Edison 處 理 相 處 理 得 唔 好 , 唔 只 係 一 個 源 頭 洩 漏 , 希 望 佢 真 係 冇 畀 朋 友 睇 過 , 只 係 一
不 法 之 徒
行 為 。 佢 唔 退 出 都 會 要 佢 退 出 , 退 出 亦 彌 補 唔 到 所 有 人
傷 害 。 補 鑊
! 冇 乜 驚 喜 , 有 排 先 洗 到 底 , 慈 善 機 構 都 未 必 搵 佢 做 啦 。
24 則留言:
Whatever happens in the bedroom and taking those pix are very private matters. There is no right or wrong here. These are just personal choices. Yes, Edison is indeed responsible for not keeping the pix in a safe place. But it was not his intention for the pix to leak out. It's unfair to say that he is the only one to be blamed and the girls are the only victims. To me, Edison is ALSO a victim. The girls participated in the pix too. Oh, please don't say that the pix were taken without the girls' knowledge. The girls should be if not equally but partial responsible.
Erica wishes she can have sex with Edison too.
閉上門, 他人之事與其他人何干? 那些女子是受害的?陳生也是。焉知那些相不是女子要求陳生拍的?香港仍處於父權社會。女的身體被看了是蝕底的。嫁不了人, 當不了好母親...香港表面融西貫中, 卻是非常的封建。罵他人下流之際卻又去偷窺照片, 雙重標準,全城偽善。好像沒太多人說把照片上載上網的人是不道德的...男士說陳的不是, 多半出於妒忌。
I agree with Ihy. Girls should be equally responsible for their actions too. After listening to Edison's apology, I feel so sorry for him in a sense. Edison's apology is way better than Gillian's. At least, he has the courage to admit his mistake and apologise to the public. In contrast, it seems like Gillian has an indifferent attitude towards the scandals. Anyway, I think Gillian should quit the entertainment industry in HK too. Jeez, I really can't stand that fake girl anymore !!!
I'm just disappointed of a lack of opinion from you.
"it seems like Gillian has an indifferent attitude towards the scandals."
Gillian is a girl? Duh~
Men and women will NEVER be equal, get over it.
冠 希 啟 示 錄
i don't think anyone is a victim on this matter. these are just consequences they need to bear after taking those pictures.
i, also as a young artist, really can't say much about it, at least not now. public is gonna hate me for taking this matter for my own publicity.
"I don't think anyone is a victim on this matter. These are just consequences they need to bear after taking those pictures."
If a girl wears a skirt walking through the park in the middle of the night, she is not a victim if she gets raped. Thats the consequence she has to bear for looking attractive and being careless of her surroundings.
Once again, Erica, you make no sense.
They were careless, that doesn't mean they weren't victims of a crime.
Erica is pathetic.
Stranger from America
香港電影圈少了一個陳冠希是個重大損失?? As in "香港Entertainment Industry 少了一個 Erica Yuen 是個重大損失??"
I totally DISAGREE with statement "Men and women will NEVER be equal, get over it"
What a male chauvinist thing to say !!! Well, if you're a girl, it shows that you treat yourself as inferior !!! I think males and females should be treated equally. What makes you think that girls are better than boys or vice versa??? If you've done something wrong, you should apologise and responsible for your action. As simple as that !!!
至於 [ 淫照是否很淫 ] 或道德範疇,則是不同人的標準問題。
This is why HK women are currently at the bottom of the barrel in terms of attractive Asian women. HK women refuse to accept the fact that men and women are not equal, they are different. They are physically different, mentality different, and culturally different. Just like any other mammals on this planet.
You might think women and men are "equal" in countries like America, well you are WRONG. Men and women have equal "rights" in terms of the law, which is what HK also have. But what you need to understand is American women know very well that women and men have different roles in society. They know their place and they don't try to "be men".
HK women try to BE men, and this is why you bitches fail in relationships.
HK women got a taste of western education but they totally miss-understood the concept. Accept the fact that you are a women and you have your roles, don't try to be the "same" as men because you will NEVER been a man. Sure you can have your rights, but you can't have a penis. Get over it.
Edison can come out and apologize for his actions like a MAN because he was careless of his properties, as a result affected his prior sex partners. Gill has nothing to apologize for. What? You want this woman to apologize for having sex? A woman need to have her dignity, coming out and speaking out is more than enough. What? You want her to say sorry for having sex with her boyfriend? Why don't you throw stones and gather the village people for a witch-hunt as well?
There are things a man needs to be responsible and apologize for; the same will not apply to a woman, vise versa. Give this woman the dignity she deserves and stop your bitching.
This whole mess already reflected how far behind HK really is. Edison failed in Hong Kong, but he will succeed in America, because people in the west do not live in a closed minded cave like you HK people.
This post made so much sense I should get paid for it.
Stranger from America
To 'Stranger from America', your thoughts make absolutely NO SENSE to me !!! You are sexist and it proves me that you really are a MALE CHAUVINIST PIG !!! From your mentality, I believe that you will never ever gonna have a stable, healthy relationship. You definitely fits in the stereotype of those who beats up his wife at home. Another thing, what makes you think that you're 'better' than those who lives in HK? If you think you're so 'superior', why bother reading other people's blogs? I seriously think that you need some help or counseling.
"This post made so much sense I should get paid for it."
--- Sounds like a narcissist. I think I should instead get paid for posting your comments at my blog all the time.
Get out of your small HK cave and read some of the international comments made related to this Edison Chan mess. Not just me, but the WHOLE WORLD thinks the victims have nothing to apologize for. That is besides the people in HK, who are the only people that demanded an apologize for the victim's "crimes". You people are a joke.
Edison failed the secure his properties, I can see how he'd want to come out and apologize to the girls. But you want the girls to apologize the same way Edison did because "men and women are equal" you must be out of your mind! These women have nothing to apologize for and they don’t owe you jack shit. Get over it you stupid HK bitch.
You can't write because your logic sucks. You kept embarrassing yourself every time you write and I guess that is part of the entertainment we get from reading your materials. We are not laughing with you, we are laughing AT you. That’s worth some money right? Keep up the good work!
Stranger from America
唔同, 今次所保管既係涉及第三者既重資料(女星), 並唔係單單佢既個人利益,喺情理上, 佢竟然可以將一部有極重要資料既notebook交比人而唔係上門維修,佢係有疏忽之嫌, 喺法理上, 其他女星係可以民事追討損失。
To "Stranger from America', what makes you think that I live in HK? If you are ashamed of your heritage, you should be ashamed of yourself. You may dye your hair, speak a different language, but no matter what you do, you're always a Chinese. The end of the story. If Gillian's an ordinary citizen, of course she doesn't need to apologise for her action. But since she is a public figure and serve as a 'role model' for kids, don't you think she should clarify about what happened? Just like the scandal of Bill Clinton, because he's a public figure, he had the responsibility to apologise to the public.
Anyway, it's good debating with you 'Stranger from America'. I feel a great sense of achievement when you are pissed all the time!
The only comment I wanna say after knowing the issue between Edison and Gillian is "What the F---"
I cannot think any word better than the F- word because I am really mad about this.
I feel mad not because they have sexual relationship. I don't give a damn about this. I feel mad because I do not wanna keep reading this news for a whole month.
I am a college student in the USA. I should explore more and know more about the global issues. However, whenever I read newspapers from Hong Kong, the headline in frontpage talked about Edison, Gillian and the motified pornographs. I wanted to read something else but the first sight were this!
How can't I say the F- word in this circumstance? In the US, I have never seen a headline with any pronographs at all. I just do not understand why should we focus on "Is the photo true?" or "What questions are unsolved in this case?" Why don't we just let it go? Perhaps we can learn more about our morality. For instance, what do we learn from this issue?
Poeple argue that they prefer Hong Kong. Yet I do not understand why. I wrote an essay explaining why I want to stay in US. Feel free to ask me if you want to read.
喂,佢爲何要向我們apologize? 我覺得佢自己其實都“ao"頭,不過被逼要讀稿。