我真的很討厭各式各樣的中文輸入法。除了倉頡以外﹐每種輸入法都需要我的眼球一直盯著屏幕選字﹐選字時又要稍稍一看keyboard的數字排﹐確定沒有打錯。現時我最常用的輸入法是拼音(普通話)﹐它的好處是能以最少的“碼”而選到最合適的詞彙。例如打“紅樓夢”﹐只需輸入“HLM”則可。比如說打“你好”﹐可以選擇打“NH”,“NiH”﹐“NHao”﹐“NiHao”﹐當然拼音越完整﹐選詞就越省時。書面語的文章當然可以用拼音輸入法﹐邊把文章用普通話朗讀﹐邊打拼音﹐對我來說也不算是一件苦差。問題是廣東話口語的﹐根本用普通話就讀不出來。此時我會用廣東話拼音的軟件。但遺憾地﹐它沒有詞彙選擇﹐唯有逐個字打進去。相比之下﹐打英文就容易多了﹐可以不看mon﹐不看keyboard,怒打。所以打blog用英文不是代表我“懶”勁﹐而是懶﹐ 明白了嗎﹖
11 則留言:
I suck at typing chinese, so I totally feel your pain when you say the reason why you tend to type English in your blogs is because you are lazy. I don't know 倉頡 because I just don't have time to learn. 南極星is good enough.
算啦, 打英文咪得邏。呢個系你個blog,你鐘意打咩文就咩文﹐唔洗理人點諗。
see? that little sentence took me more than minutes to type..
其實喺報紙寫專欄係咪真係想像中咁多人睇呢,我有少許懷疑。我哋會唔會俾份報紙既整體銷量誤導咗呢? 因為我自己買份報紙都唔會個個專欄睇晒,嚴格嚟講睇半成都冇....
because when i met new ppl back then, a lot of them told me that they've read my column; they could actually say out what i wrote... that gave me a big deal of encouragement and satisfaction. at least a link in newspp webpage is a lot more accessible than my blog.
that's really encouraging!
太陽報, 與東方一樣, 已淪黨報 , 大公報都好過它們, 不寫也罷!
hmm..其實倉頡一點也不難, 速成打多了, 在選其他字時都可以很快。以你的聰明, 沒可能學不曉。你也不是懶惰的人呀 ~~~~
problem is that i really don't have the need to type chinese that well.
i chat and email in english. lacking motive to learn it well.
其實我也不需要打中文, 我都是在外國讀書的..工作又不用用中文, 跟朋友談話都是用英語, 我用左1日搞掂倉頡 , 但由於不常用中文, 依家都係用速成。
I don't know how to type Chinese...I really suck and it takes me helluva long time to type anything in Chinese. I usually write a note in Chinese and fax it over to my father in HK.
Posting in English is fine.
never mind what others say! people just say that because they cannot write in english (probably?) or they are really nationalistic...
also, I think this is your personal blog.. and you have the right to inch anyone or to type in whatever language you like.. so dont worry. and I really feel for you!