

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

陶傑係現代的差不多先生. 有一篇介紹 Norman Rockwell 的 Freedom From Want, 竟寫成 Norman Rosewell, 而不是手民之誤, 因其中譯亦以 Rosewell 基.

又有一次把曾志偉說成榮華的代言人, 真有點覺得奇華的 budget 白花了.

其實我覺得陶才子的強項在其寫情與寫景, 有數篇真的好得無話可說. 但其尖刻與 sarcastic 的筆法, 實非年輕作者學習對象 (除非你已成功建立才子才女的icon!)

匿名 說...

tintinbright, I totally agree with you. 可以學他的寫作手法, 但佢的 research 所謂的知識, 對世界的見解, 其實都是得過且過。只是香港人覺得他是才子, 他說什麼都是好, 都是對...

匿名 說...

i think in general his understanding of what's happening in China and Hong Kong is quite thorough despite being too sarcastic and exagerrating sometimes. There is nothing wrong with saying what you really think, I don't understand why people are still making a big fuss out of it. Is it just because you will appear in public so you cannot say what many people already think on YOUR OWN blog?! Hong Kong people just don't accept a world with diversity..diverse opinion, diverse ways of lives, different mindsets are not accepted by the mainstream. You have to do what people in general think are right to do. In general, actors/actresses won't make their own comments on others to avoid troubles so if one does it it's wrong... It's scary to see how the media, especially after 1997 is trying to purify us. I think people are affected by that without knowing...I'm wondering is a world with complete harmony really what we want anyway? What exactly is 'harmony' anyway? Everyone thinking in the same way and doing the same thing??
Actually I don't see there's anything wrong with being sarcastic, as long as it makes sense to your targetted audience and manage to make them have a good laugh out of it then you are successful. This technique is not patented by anyone.. actually i used to love reading 林振強's column.. sadly a lot of talents don't live long...

Sun Bin 說...

being mean or sarcastic is fine. but "差不多先生" is not someone i would admire.

agree with tintin