Came back from Foshan last night; completed exhausted as I wasn't feeling well the whole day.
But I did manage to perform to my standard during the Spa Ambassador contest.
Here's what I did!
道具﹕一杯水﹐音樂 (世間始終你好, 886﹐淑女)
Erica 說(扮老伯伯): 耍元太極﹐浸番o下先!
Erica 唱﹕論武功 俗世中不知邊個高 或者 絕招同途異路
Erica (扮小女孩)說: 我要一邊浸﹐一邊唱Fiona姐姐既歌~
Erica 唱﹕假如遇上大細路 假如像套無間道 假如伴你慢慢吃芭夫 感覺像吃粥
Erica 說: 淑女要有完美既肌膚﹐更係要浸o下啦~
Erica 唱﹕淑女形象只應該冷艷 所愛所要所有 莫說今宵永久的等那明天
Erica 說﹕無論大細男女老少﹐浸一浸天然既溫泉都精神爽利﹐o甘就可以盡情發揮自我啦! 你仲o吾快D試o下?
Haha, I think I had a lot of fun performing it~
audience are surprised; i heard a lot of laughters~
A lot of us did extremely well!
I was impressed by Carmen's and Shermon's as their charms got audience's full attention and participation.
Congrats to Camille! Her consistent and calm performance lead her to championship this time.
Might take a sick leave today... I'm feeling dizzy *_*