The movie was really touching and sends good message. You acted really naturally as well.
I have been your fan for quite awhile and do buy the products that you recommend as they have evidence that they work without any harmful substances.
I respect your honesty and the courage of being a truth seeker. I hope you can take some time to check out the video below.
Although I did not believe the content before, after awhile of research, this is what is actually happening. I hope it is not too late to take some action, if not; the experience of your grandma will be experienced worldwide.
Or search on youtube EndGame HQ full length version
11 則留言:
Hello Erica,
The movie was really touching and sends good message. You acted really naturally as well.
I have been your fan for quite awhile and do buy the products that you recommend as they have evidence that they work without any harmful substances.
I respect your honesty and the courage of being a truth seeker.
I hope you can take some time to check out the video below.
Although I did not believe the content before, after awhile of research, this is what is actually happening. I hope it is not too late to take some action, if not; the experience of your grandma will be experienced worldwide.
Or search on youtube EndGame HQ full length version
Much Love,
點解 "一個day trader的Blog" 無得寫comment???
睇完, 感觉不錯。 好够自然!
哈哈....chok chok 甜品班....
在短劇中見到你的剛柔並重!! 好記得你講過女人最重要要有愛情, 不是要做女強人. 剛好這劇與你的思想不謀而合. 哈. 支持你.
好好睇啊 :) 你多d拍戲就好啦
Happy Birthday :)