I can't open the link. But I totally support Obama !!! I just think it's so 'low' for Hillary to cast slander about Obama and claiming that he's muslim and related to the corruption. It's not politics, it's catty fight ! On top of that, Hillary's proposals are way too idealistic whereas Obama's ideas on economy and healthcare are more pragmatic. Moreover, Obama's campaign is well-organized and has sufficient funds. It demonstrates that he's a true leader and has the ability to improve the nation. GO OBAMA !!!
why are you belittling HKers' view on the US election? Every one in this world has the right to comment on it. Like the way you have the right to bark in my blog.
You know why you are crying? Because American voters hold the KEY that can affect your economy. You cry and cry but there is nothing you can do about it.
Besides, why is a little HK woman like you talking about politics?? What the HELL would you know about US politics?? Stick to your little woman topic about loosing weight or how to better your gold digging skills.
HK people love to complain. They complain about their government, they complain about movie stars, they complain about their sociality, they complain about the HK police department, they complain about the media, they complain about men/women issues. Then they wonder......"Why are you belittling HK people?"
Take care of your own mess first you stupid HKers! Americans will vote for whoever they want so shut the hell up! Obama 08.
Erica said, "Every one in this world has the RIGHT to comment on it."
Rights This is why HK woman like you is so pathetic. Disagreeing with you doesn't mean I took away your "rights".
Do you understand what rights mean? Its a freakin legal term.
If I take you to jail because of what you've said, thats taking your rights away from you.
Everyday HK people complain about 人權, when you have no fuxking IDEA what you are talking about. Stop pissing off "my rights this my rights that" in every conversation. HK people have better rights than most other places on earth, who are you to complain about 人權 everyday?
"Oh I have the rights to say this so no one can stop me". This does not stop me from disagreeing with you because you sound dumber than a rock.
Good luck with your new book. LMAO. HAHAHAHA! Pathetic!
Shame on you, 'Stranger from America'. Don't you know that the economy in the U.S. is getting worst and worst. Many retail stores such as Starbucks, Macy and Shaper Image are closing down. There's a fear that the United States might turned into recession. Go back to school and get some education, you dumbass !!!
'Stranger from America', HAHAHAHAHA How ironic is your comment !!! I don't understand why you assumed that I'm from Hong Kong. In fact, I am from the U.S.A. as well. I CAN VOTE TOO !!! So you're the one who should be 'crying me a river' !!!
Anyway, did you really understand my comment? Asia's economy is way better than the U.S. now. Looking at the housing market in the U.S., it's getting worst and worst !!!
Anyway, did you really understand my comment? Asia's economy is way better than the U.S. now. Looking at the housing market in the U.S., it's getting worst and worst !!!
Stranger from America?Just ignore it.
It demonstrated the purchasing power of the US dollars had been depreciated in sharply, especially the quantity of gold one can bought,within these twenty years.
17 則留言:
I can't open the link. But I totally support Obama !!! I just think it's so 'low' for Hillary to cast slander about Obama and claiming that he's muslim and related to the corruption. It's not politics, it's catty fight ! On top of that, Hillary's proposals are way too idealistic whereas Obama's ideas on economy and healthcare are more pragmatic. Moreover, Obama's campaign is well-organized and has sufficient funds. It demonstrates that he's a true leader and has the ability to improve the nation. GO OBAMA !!!
可是,卡特在其任內一事無成,換來的就是美國史上最無能的總統及有「災星」總統的稱號。對內方面,卻導致及無法改善美國經濟惡化,甚至是束手無策;在外交政策方面,為了尋求所謂的「和平」,不惜處處和獨裁者妥協、談判、退讓,以為就能達到所謂的「和平」,並與中共匆匆的進行建交(至今他仍不認為是個錯誤的決定),伊朗大使館的人質危機更顯示出卡特在外交上的無能及進退失據;在軍事上,必要的軍事開支遭到大幅刪減,在伊朗大使館的人質危機而所發起的「沙漠一號行動」(或稱「鷹爪行動」),由於卡特政府的決策失當,導致機毀人亡的慘劇而行動失敗。當中新成立而且至今仍維持神秘作風的「三角洲」特種部隊(Delta Force,1977年成立),卻因為此次行動所造成的慘劇,留下了首次參與行動卻失敗的不良紀錄。
P.S.如果Dr Yuen見到我如此回答,怕且他會會心微笑:P
Who the fuck cares what you HKers think? YOU CAN'T VOTE IN THE UNITED STATES!
I can. Guess who I am voting for? Obama 2008!
Cry me a fucking river. Take care of your own mess up HK issues.
Stranger from America
why are you belittling HKers' view on the US election?
Every one in this world has the right to comment on it.
Like the way you have the right to bark in my blog.
Please ignore "Stranger From America"
He is such a fool person......:P
Pathetic fool=S.F.A.:P
You know why you are crying? Because American voters hold the KEY that can affect your economy. You cry and cry but there is nothing you can do about it.
Besides, why is a little HK woman like you talking about politics?? What the HELL would you know about US politics?? Stick to your little woman topic about loosing weight or how to better your gold digging skills.
HK people love to complain. They complain about their government, they complain about movie stars, they complain about their sociality, they complain about the HK police department, they complain about the media, they complain about men/women issues. Then they wonder......"Why are you belittling HK people?"
Take care of your own mess first you stupid HKers! Americans will vote for whoever they want so shut the hell up! Obama 08.
Stranger from America
Erica said, "Every one in this world has the RIGHT to comment on it."
Rights This is why HK woman like you is so pathetic. Disagreeing with you doesn't mean I took away your "rights".
Do you understand what rights mean? Its a freakin legal term.
If I take you to jail because of what you've said, thats taking your rights away from you.
Everyday HK people complain about 人權, when you have no fuxking IDEA what you are talking about. Stop pissing off "my rights this my rights that" in every conversation. HK people have better rights than most other places on earth, who are you to complain about 人權 everyday?
"Oh I have the rights to say this so no one can stop me". This does not stop me from disagreeing with you because you sound dumber than a rock.
Good luck with your new book. LMAO. HAHAHAHA! Pathetic!
Stranger from America
Shame on you, 'Stranger from America'. Don't you know that the economy in the U.S. is getting worst and worst. Many retail stores such as Starbucks, Macy and Shaper Image are closing down. There's a fear that the United States might turned into recession. Go back to school and get some education, you dumbass !!!
And that hurt your little feeling didn't it?? Knowing the US market will affect the HK eocnomy but there is nothing you can do about it.
I hold the vote. You don't. Bow to me! Oh wait, when do HK people get to vote?? Oh yeah, 1012 right? How about NEVER?
Stranger from America
'Stranger from America',
HAHAHAHAHA How ironic is your comment !!! I don't understand why you assumed that I'm from Hong Kong. In fact, I am from the U.S.A. as well. I CAN VOTE TOO !!! So you're the one who should be 'crying me a river' !!!
Anyway, did you really understand my comment? Asia's economy is way better than the U.S. now. Looking at the housing market in the U.S., it's getting worst and worst !!!
actually i can vote in the US too. but i didn't bother to tell this pathetic stranger.
All of your family members got the green card already?
Stranger from America?Just ignore it!
Christina said...
Anyway, did you really understand my comment? Asia's economy is way better than the U.S. now. Looking at the housing market in the U.S., it's getting worst and worst !!!
Stranger from America?Just ignore it.
It demonstrated the purchasing power of the US dollars had been depreciated in sharply, especially the quantity of gold one can bought,within these twenty years.