1) "國際視野"並不是出自我口的﹐是記者對訪問我後對我的整體看法。我的真正想法是﹕不被娛樂圈或藝人的身份束縛﹐放眼其他。
2) BROWN is spelt BROWN, not BROWNS. I applied to that school; of course I know.
3) "袁 彌 明 認 為 , 只 有 看 英 文 書 , 才 算 看 過 書 。"--- I did not say that. Maybe it's also the impression I gave to my reporter. I appreciate Chinese Literature very much.
4) St. Stephen's Prep School and College have provided me with the best learning environment and boarding experience. I love my mother school! 說成“師資不好”也未免一概而論了點。應該說是英文課程不夠強﹐但無可奈何﹐是根據教統局的指引。Yes, I could find 補習﹐but I am an Anti-補習 student because I thought A) Grades were not Everything and B) I would rather spend more time on extra-curricular activities.
Either like me or hate me. Again and again:
總 是 試 著 不 去 惹 惱 任 何 人 , 或 試 著 讓 所 有 人 喜 歡 你 , 只 會 讓 你 變 得 越 平 庸 媚 俗 。
And,"...gaining respect is more important than being liked, and performance is more important than popularity."
— — 前 美 國 國 務 卿 鮑 威 爾 談 處 世 之 道 。 《 鮑 威 爾 成 功 領 導 手 冊 》
79 則留言:
下 '
吾該你啦 '
好明顯就係你吾岩先囉 '
咁你話人都無用囉好無 '
你點講都係係錯囉 '
無人叫人咁賤你到話人地仲串過你囉好無 '
你有病睇醫生啦 '
吾好2為自己係咩香港小姐啦 '-33-''
三甲都入吾到喎 冷係野咁
仲要係包到吾知點咁 '
DUE?! 收山吧
你咪尻DE佐我個CM牙 '
做得出怕咩比人睇牙 =]
點解,呢個世界上真係會有人無聊/得閒都無野做,專登走去人地個Blog度0徙自己時間打一篇好長0既"野" (Sorry..我真係睇唔明呢D夾雜唔知中文+英文+數學0既冥王星話..."De佐"? "2為"?"令女"?...真係難估過Sudoku)去鬧人, 重要一邊鬧,自己一邊日日Keep track住0黎睇.....
終於明白,點解當年有D人一邊喊打喊殺,一邊又買果D八卦雜誌...同埋連基本去串人0既知識同文化都無, 除左平時日常講野用開果D粗口之外。
不是覺得動氣, 只係覺得呢個世界真係無奇不有。It's a ridiculous world.
呢個世界真係乜人都有, Erica, 我支持你ar, 都係0個個句: 有話直說, 有何不妥?
>>3) "袁 彌 明 認 為 , 只 有 看 英 文 書 , 才 算 看 過 書 。"--- I
其實某情況下直接讀英文書往往好過讀中文書的,原因有二,首先有好多質數參差的中譯本失去原文的本意。例如搵一個唔識經濟的人翻譯經濟巨著,簡直侮辱了原著。又例如有好多出名的哲學書原著係德文法文,好似馬克斯的《資本論》,釋完英文後已經失真一次,再從英文版本釋為中文,質數如何可想以知。A 貨中文版的《資本論》咪變成毛澤東所讀物囉。
但我還是主要睇中文書,一來英文唔好,睇英文書非常慢,二來簡體中文書之平,實在使我放棄買英文原著的想法。我上年買果本簡體版的 freakonomics 只是$28蚊,原著睇怕要成三四百蚊,簡體版本睇完就掉左去都好過買原著啦。
>>總 是 試 著 不 去 惹 惱 任 何 人 , 或 試 著 讓 所 有 人 喜 歡 你 , 只 會 讓 你 變 得 越 平 庸 媚 俗 。
sorry, 又一次臃長的留言,寫完我都懶翻 check typing error。=.=!
唔該。講野之前用下個大腦先啦-3-..話人地冇真材實料,,唔覺得你有=3= ~ 1個3甲都入唔到既 "落選" 港姐,,竟然話人地冇真材實料@@" 實在,,世上有呢d人,,一唔岩自己心水,,就狂係度講人地壞話…就話造馬之類…你真係可悲~呢d人係妒忌心作祟,,人地得到自己得唔到就係度嘈嘈嘈…唔抵得人地stephy紅過你@@?唔抵得葉翠翠拎第1@@?你自己係港姐果屆你拎左d乜獎@@?唔抵得人地李豪靚仔@@?香港真係多憎人富貴厭人貧~自己冇,,唯有狂搵籍口眨低人抬高自己囉~同你同屆個鄧上文,,人地有高朋滿座拍,,仲要集集都見到佢~嘩,,你都有呀,,同事三分親,,出現過幾集囉~睇下自己同人地既人品差幾遠先啦…2個都係落選,,點解人地紅過你,,你就一直都紅唔起,,係有原因既@@"
I support you too, just do what you want to do without hurting people.
咁我又覺得討論區d人講得岩喎. 英文唔好考唔到一線大學就賴香港既學校英文差, 拎唔到6A就話自己唔努力. 呢d係人都識講啦, 咪叫馬後炮, 咪叫賴羅...
一邊話自己讀書叻係遺傳, 一邊考唔到名校就賴學校, 都唔知乜道理.
睇左今期一仔, 先有睇你個Blog. 老實講, 本身冇什麼期望, 但真係比想像中好和有見解.
有話直說, 當然冇唔妥啦? 如果係真正既不平則鳴既仲有大把支持者添.
你話自己係不平則鳴, "不平則鳴"係指為不公平既事出聲. 但你只係係度製造是非羅.
人地鍾意港男李豪又關你叉事呀, 選美除左選內涵, 樣貌都重要, 人地問你心水, 但你只係度批評別人.
就算Stephy點睇書又點, 睇書又關學歷事架咩? 都未見過咁鍾意講是非既人.
英文唔好賴學校, 咁會考0分既都可以賴學校啦.
紅你今期真係紅左既, William Hung果陣咪又係紅過一排, 只不過d人係當笑話睇先紅之麻. 睇d討論區反應, 都知你係後起之秀, 有機會青出於藍.
你家姐咪一樣讀果間, 人地考到入Brown, 你唔得就賴學校, 呢d咪叫廢羅
(just kidding)
袁小姐, 我佩服你的氣量. 你是公眾人物, 而跑上來亂吠的人, 統統都是"Anonymous", 如用大陸用語, 他們是"憤青", 又稱"糞青". "糞青"有什麼特點? 就是無理性無創意無獨立思維. 這些留言的"糞青"來來去去都是說港姐...等等的三幅被, 很悶. 罵人和串人都是一件需要創意的事情, 請各位"糞青"動動腦筋吧!
Erica, 你只要跟他們一般見識, 在這裡回應一個類似"賤"的字眼, 足以令你成為娛樂版記者的交稿恩人. "串"又如何? 有真材實料, 有理有據, 自然串得起. 句句說話都要顧及其他人的弱小心靈, 神經!
我由始至終都同意你批評stephy的說話. 她的文章只是中學生作文, 出書, 唉! 請看看台灣主持蔡康永寫的文章, 就知道要出書, 起碼需要什麼程度.
繼續撐你, 撐你狠批假玉女, 串爆硬膠社會現象.
點解d人可以留d咁mean既留言? 因為網上講野唔駛留真名, 又可以匿名, 所以佢地幾難聽既說話都講得出囉, 根本唔駛負任何責任. 麻煩d人留言之前反省下自己啦, 與其鬧人倒不如花自己upgrade下自己d品格.
Hey Erica! Visiting you again.
And yes, I agree with what you said. There are different sides to a person than their grades. Yes, it's important, but if that is used to judge a person, then that's very sad to hear. I mean what if someone doesn't do as good on tests, etc so they didn't get as a good grade as expected.
And reporters just like to spice up things. So please don't get irritated about those stuffs. Take care and work hard! Good luck with everything also.
p.s 你講人壞話又唔開名,真係估到我死死下,搞到我呢排成日睇娛樂雜誌,惡補娛樂知識,如果你想我地少啲睇啲不實的娛樂雜誌,唔該你下次講人壞話時,開名啦~~如果,你感到我批評你,其實我都係有話直說而已。
>相信呢點都可以應用係袁小姐身上, 你係咪不願承認自己也有討厭的特質先成日攻擊別人呢?
之前都有人問點揀書關學歷事架咩? 你憑利用人地學歷去貶低/侮辱人.
quote Anonymous said... "一邊話自己讀書叻係遺傳, 一邊考唔到名校就賴學校"
我都想知答案呀, 怎麼英文唔掂又唔係遺傳呀? 是寧波西門袁氏說的逃避自己嗎?
>你可以咁"敢言"咁貶低/侮辱人, 怎麼接受唔到別人"敢言"咁對你呀, 成日話d人無聊唔想睇會辛苦自己. 你咁唔滿意Stephy睇書, 咁唔滿意葉翠翠飯局, 你又留意, 仲要串人, 咁又唔辛苦自己喎.
>人地話你博紅, 自己話唔恨紅喎. 咁你死話有d女星攀龍附鳳, 唔俾人地唔恨攀龍附鳳架.
你點對人, 人點對你者. 博出位既言論博到返黎既訪問, 你幾"樂意"去做係人都見到啦, 咩終於上book A. d記者擺明益你啦, 唔係以為係你實力拎返黎麻.
講人是非, 加上一句"有話正說", 就變成名正言順既行為, 香港有你真係可悲.
stardust said... 麻煩d人留言之前反省下自己啦, 與其鬧人倒不如花自己upgrade下自己d品格.
>袁小姐, 我覺得呢句都好岩你.
stardust, 真有趣, 你偶像攻擊別人侮辱人都坐視不理.
呢句野咪姐係同袁小姐一樣?佢連自己d品都未顧掂,,係度話其他人~同我地有咩分別?明唔明白咩係不平則嗚架你~不平則嗚係解遇見不公平既事會伸張正義~.~ 但係人地stephy出書又有幾唔公平呢~.~?其實根本上就係你遇到d唔合你心意既事就會係度嘈~.~同不平則嗚係2回事來的~.~你連解釋都未搞掂,,係度話自己正義超人@@?笑大人把口~.~
你舊年香港先生聽講支持黃長發架喎~我又想問下,,佢又有幾真材實料呢~.~" 佢仲以為無能係性無能,,理解咁差,,真材實料~.~?李豪靚仔多人投,,又唔公平?_?難道只係睇表演,,而唔睇樣貌,,只不過係你唔鍾意,,又係度慫恿其他人唔好投,,唔見得不平則嗚~.~?話人地葉翠翠去飯局,,影響港姐形象,,你係度周圍講人是非,,唔影響"落選"港姐形象~.~?袁彌明既支持者,,究竟袁彌明小姐係唔係真係不平則嗚定係唔合佢心意就亂嘈,,大家心中有分數~
Really i hate the way they speak! they're so rude.... and its good because you're easy going u dun mind what people say about you... and yea thats a good point! the most important is to trust ourselves....and yea... after becoming an actress more & more people know u... so there will more people supporting u and not supporting.... just listen to the ones who support u cuz they are the people who can help u.. like ur family, ur GOOD friends.... =)
erica is so pathetic.
'DUE?! 收山吧
你咪尻DE佐我個CM牙 '
just curious...朋友,你識字的嗎?
you're so great!!
Miss Yuen 我好佩服你既膽色!好勇呀你!
自己blog梗係講自己想講既野ga la
-You are a pathological liar who try to blame the world for your problems.
-You need to see a shrink quick and that's the only way you can get away from your miserable life.
- You can't be serious that you think that you can change the world by being a bitch? Come on, you are 27 and should act like one. If you're that rich and don't want to make it big, then what the hell are you doing in TVB?
- You don't have to make a point by looking down on others. Only people who have no self esteem do that.
- Your father was right for not paying your tuition to Tufts. But he's dead wrong about Ivy League. Brown, for example, is a shitty school for spoiled brats who can't make it to better schools. Stanford, MIT, Chicago, and may other schools are much better than Ivy. Then again, he went to U. of Rochester and only hillbilly thinks that Ivy League is the only way to go. P.S. I went Harvard for my AB and JD/MBA, so I know. Eat your heart out losers!
唔好意思, 唔知點解屋企部腦POST唔到,要回到公司才回到.
不知有沒有睇過黃子華的楝篤笑呢?近年的應該有睇吧,和以往的相比. 我覺得以往黃子華都講得很好笑很好, 只是他未紅,就講得很落力,很費勁才引人發笑, 但在他拍完"男親女愛"後, 大家一見到他出場就想起"余樂天",他未開口,大家已經拍爛手掌笑了出來,全程都很輕易搏得觀眾的笑聲和掌聲.
前幾天見到I LOVE U BOYZ的訪問,他們說最初成立時很不受歡迎,在網上很多人罵他們.及後近期才漸漸為觀眾接受,他們在日本扮女人,有D人仲讚好靚添.
記得張國榮說過有一年他拿到金曲金獎"有誰共鳴"時,台下d人說了很多難聽的話,他當時有一個念頭,1.罷唱回後台 2.繼續演唱. 最後他是唱完那首歌.
其實以前70-80年代d人既語文能力比而家強, 可能個陣仲係英國人管治,可以接觸較多外國人和平日都有很多英文文件.其實回歸祖國,連政府內部都漸用中文.
如果話學校教得唔好,都有理由架..一代比一代差,咁d人學得唔好, 到佢教人時咪將d唔好傳俾下一手.
最近在街上聽到有個爸爸大大聲教訓個女"讀書叻有咩用?!" 嘩, 連父母都覺得讀書冇用, 咁d仔女仲駛乜咁俾心機去讀書. 可能d人覺得讀書多,唔等於搵錢多,但最緊要係識搵錢多. 咩搵錢最快?炒股,炒樓,懂得投資保值.. 但係d人最傻, 唔知道最保值既野唔係錢,其實係你腦裡面既知識.
長期留意妳的 blog 的讀者當然是愛護妳的支持者,所以我都支持妳的原則要貫徹到底,胡亂改變妳的立場只會使兩面不討好。
話說回頭,我幾同意你對stephy的批評及觀點,如果話你睇佢唔起,問心我覺得你係,不過我同意,哈哈,因為我都覺得我係不屑佢無學識,扮才女! 問心有幾多讀ivy的人可以話自己係一心努力讀書為入ivy,定還是係出於一個無可奈何因為升唔上中六而去呢? 大大聲話讀書冇用,為自己找下台階,難道對那些辛辛苦苦讀書的人又公平咩?
不過我極之不同意及反感你0係壹仔度話你以前中學時搶人男友後來個女仔望多你兩眼,你逼人當眾道歉的態度及行為,這是恃勢凌人及不可理喻的行為啊,不是嗎? 希望不是真的吧,否則,你做人都幾雙重標準,講一套、做一套。如果此事屬實,咁同你那"正義超人"及"不平則鳴"的處事手法太背道而弛,自相矛盾吧!
Can't type Chinese in the office...
To the anonymous that claimed to be Harvard graduate:
>You need to see a shrink quick and that's the only way you can get away from your miserable life.
-- You don't need to see a shrink because no shrink in this world can help your miserable life.
-- I happened to know a number of "bitch-others-claimed-to-be" that can change the world - Hillary Clinton is one of them.
-- You were saying only people with low self esteem would make a point by looking down upon the others, but you personally put down comments like "Brown, for example, is a shitty school for spoiled brats". I guess you are one of those with no self esteem then?
-- I can't believe a loser like you would be a graduate from Harvard, which year and school were you graudated from? I happened to know some prof. in HBS when I took courses there, let me know your name so that I can talk to your sponsor, and figure out how a non-sense like you passed your final symposium - assuming if you are really a HBS grad. You actually sound more like from Yale because that's where Bush graudated. lol
P.S. HBS has a number of programs/partnerships with Stanford, MIT and Tufts. You better do your own DD and know what you are talking about before you crap on other people's blog.
"不過我極之不同意及反感你0係壹仔度話你以前中學時搶人男友後來個女仔望多你兩眼,你逼人當眾道歉的態度及行為,這是恃勢凌人及不可理喻的行為啊,不是嗎? 希望不是真的吧"
DUE?! 收山吧
你咪尻DE佐我個CM牙 '
Google translate:
DUE? ! It closed down
You microphones ochotensis DE Junior I-CM teeth '
=_=' shxt I don't know what this means as well...
I think he said this:
Fook! go back to your mountain!
Don't you fooking dare to delete my comment!
hahaha Orz!
我啤撚嘻李架, 哈哈.....
起碼我諗阿品會明卦? lol
To dc who can't type Chinese in office:
>You need to see a shrink quick and that's the only way you can get away from your miserable life.
-- You don't need to see a shrink because no shrink in this world can help your miserable life.
# For one, you seem to be in desperate need for a shrink yourself. Mental patients usually shy away from their problems and don't seek help till it's too late.
-- I happened to know a number of "bitch-others-claimed-to-be" that can change the world - Hillary Clinton is one of them.
# What have Hillary done to change the world? By staying with a husband who cheats on her so that she can be the President herself? By voting for the war in Iraq and still call herself a anti-war Democratic? Check you facts before you bark. I happened to have a MIA from SIPA at Columbia too so I know my current affairs. Ms. Yuen is bitching about how stupid the people in HK are and her aim to "change" that by being a celebrity. I personally find that plausible as you don't "change" the world by being a so called celebrity who host TV programs on one watches and bitch about things you don't like.
-- You were saying only people with low self esteem would make a point by looking down upon the others, but you personally put down comments like "Brown, for example, is a shitty school for spoiled brats". I guess you are one of those with no self esteem then?
# I don't and my point is that Ms. Yuen and her father seem to think that Ivy League is the only way to go for a education. I doubt that and cite Brown as an example. There are many other schools in the States and elsewhere far better than those so called Ivy League schools. I graduated from 2 of them and I know.
-- I can't believe a loser like you would be a graduate from Harvard, which year and school were you graudated from? I happened to know some prof. in HBS when I took courses there, let me know your name so that I can talk to your sponsor, and figure out how a non-sense like you passed your final symposium - assuming if you are really a HBS grad. You actually sound more like from Yale because that's where Bush graudated. lol
# I already said I got an AB and JD/MBA from Harvard and if you want to think that I went to Yale, it's up to you. To me, they are on par with lousy graduates like Bush. What made you think that I need a sponspor to go for my JD/MBA? I paid my tuition with my own money (plus what they offer me as scholarship). So you know professors in HBS? You must be one of those people who can't get in HBS and then sign up for those useless management courses and tell people that you went to Harvard! Btw, my boyfriend teaches at Harvard Law too so I know a few people on campus too.
P.S. HBS has a number of programs/partnerships with Stanford, MIT and Tufts. You better do your own DD and know what you are talking about before you crap on other people's blog.
# UST has a MBA program with Kellogg too, but does it make UST a better school? Or the pre-school down the street has a program that sends their graduates to diaper training at Harvard, but does that mean that I want to send my kids there?
your view on hiliary implies that you don't belong here. why bother visiting and writing? also want to get some attention and recognition?
很認同"I dont know"君的話.
以上都係我個人意見, 請向醫生查詢.
Hi Anonymous,
nice to meet you.
I graduated from a local "small potato" Fu King University. I am proud of it because Fu King University graduate always shows off its University name to others, similar to Harvard graduate showing off their "so-called" high academic qualification.
After roughly reading your message, the only thing I know your "high" academic qualification cannot make you understanding why Hillary got a high reputation in US. What a pity.
To Erica:
I think this is a blog and people can leave messages what they believe in. Why do I have to agree to what you think about Hillary to write anything here? This is so typical of you by pushing people away who don't share the same views as you do. If I want attention, I would have entered the Miss HK Pageant and bragged about my family/education/money and told the world how stupid they are and why I am God's gift to homo sapiens. So what you gonna do? Show up at my door with a bunch of Mafias and beat the shit out of me because I don't buy the crap that you are spreading around!
想同大家講下,你唔中意網主言行咪唔好理會囉,唔駛係度留言。你攻擊佢就有人會支持佢;你同佢講道理,佢又質疑你點解入黎,問你係咪想"get some attention and recognition?"(縱使對方匿名身份留言)
我睇完個篇報導好欣賞你的敢言同不平則嗚的性格(對與錯另作別論^^),另我想起之前該雜誌訪問伍曼儀小姐(rthk 第五台台長)講的一句話"做女人要叻,但唔好強",誠心將呢句說話送給你。
PS 原來你之前寫過有關 NIKE 的事件,據悉他人已復長,我代有看他片的人多謝你作過的貢戲
PS2 好耐之前已睇過貴 Blog,現在似乎更多內容和有條理了 XD
To "i dont know":
"After roughly reading your message, the only thing I know your "high" academic qualification cannot make you understanding why Hillary got a high reputation in US. What a pity."----What kind of English is that?
Saddam Hussien got a "high reputation" in Iraq too before he was sent back to Allah. Go figure!
"只要唔理佢,Erica姐姐好快消失" --Well said.
Wow...61 comments already, it sure is a hot topic, and a ridiculous world~
*sign* Erica, sorry about the long post again.
Repost what I said at the beginning of the thread:
點解,呢個世界上真係會有人無聊/得閒都無野做,專登走去人地個Blog度0徙自己時間打一篇好長0既"野"去鬧人, 重要一邊鬧,自己一邊日日Keep track住0黎睇.....
To the anonymous that I am talking to:
>Mental patients usually shy away from their problems and don't seek help till it's too late.
-- Too bad you can't find one for yourself and it's already too late.
# What have Hillary done to change the world?
-- OMG...maybe you should really talk to your friend at Columbia and see if Hillary is not really changing the world..btw please tell her to talk to the PhDs in Times also since they post so many articles about what she've done.
You can't ignore/neglect one's influence by simply listing their mistakes (or political mistakes/personal affair in the cases you mentioned) - Bush is making tons of mistakes but he is still one god damn monkey that can change the world =P Just don't be naive.
On a separate note, original quote in the article "「 藝人的一言一語, 多人關注,我希望用一己之力,影響社會」I appreciate the good intention, and if Erica is using her influence "影響" (not change) to make people to do good things, I don't see any problem with that. People would need to use their own critical thinking to determine what's right and wrong, if you don't buy the opinion, just ignore it and move on - as I mentioned many times before, I don't agree on some things Erica said either, but that doesn't imply that everything she did is wrong and everything you said is BS - isn't this stereotype or what?
> Ms. Yuen is bitching about how stupid the people in HK are and her aim to "change" that by being a celebrity. I personally find that plausible as you don't "change" the world by being a so called celebrity who host TV programs on one watches and bitch about things you don't like.
-- I don't even bother to list the HK celebrities that has influence/change to the HK society/international by making their comments - Lisa Won would be another example.
> I doubt that and cite Brown as an example.
You are not CITING Brown as an example. That's your OWN opinion! Cite me where your authentic source for this quote, otherwise you ARE looking down upon ppl studying at Brown! You have low self-esteem like what you suggested.
I don't even bother to reply on the rest of the comments you posted about those schools as there is no point and unfortunately those school just gave you intellegence but not wisdom.
>I think this is a blog and people can leave messages what they believe in.
Keep in mind that this is Erica's personal blog, not a public forum. You stomped and crapped on ppl's blog, just like Bush invaded Iraq by saying "Yes, it's my right to protect the world, I THINK you are wrong, that's why I send troops over to YOUR country and bomb the crap out of you", and then tell everyone that it's your "right" to do this, tell the owner of the blog that she has to let you do that otherwise she is "pushing ppl away" ? What kind of logic and how barbarian is this?
What's your utlimate purpose to post here? To tell ppl how much you don't like Erica? You already make the point. To debate with ppl and try to convince them to agree with you? Don't even bother to try. To make Erica agree with what you said and apologize to your sorry ass? That's your dream. So I don't see any point of you to stay here, just like Bush has no point to say in Iraq IMO.
Just go back to your Harvard bf (if that's really the case I feel sorry for him) and do more meaning things for your own life.
"只要唔理佢,Erica姐姐好快消失" - Sure, please do that and do that quickly, maybe drop by couple years from now and see if Erica is still here =] Goodbye~ =]
thank you for the long post.
you spoke my mind. i am no longer interested in the shit that people are posting in here, but you. who are you?
我始終覺得今時今日能夠做一個有話直說的女子,也真是太好!喜歡不平則鳴的Erica, 我很喜歡你的串, 娛樂圈那麼多不平,可否blog下其他大明星, 不要只串來串去都系D small potato明星, 好嗎?很期待!支持你!! 請回
'# I already said I got an AB and JD/MBA from Harvard and if you want to think that I went to Yale, it's up to you. To me, they are on par with lousy graduates like Bush. What made you think that I need a sponspor to go for my JD/MBA? I paid my tuition with my own money (plus what they offer me as scholarship). So you know professors in HBS? You must be one of those people who can't get in HBS and then sign up for those useless management courses and tell people that you went to Harvard! Btw, my boyfriend teaches at Harvard Law too so I know a few people on campus too.'
are we supposed to read that with admiration?:O
sorry cant help laughing at this 'my boyfriend teaches at Harvard Law too so I know a few people on campus too' it reminds me of some of my elementary school classmates who kept telling people '我姨媽個堂細佬好有錢架!'
and yes i know you are from harvard, get that.not too surprised actually since there's a big smug cloud above there.
if erica is a bitch, you are a bigger one and + 你睇返自己寫呢段dak朵野會唔會都覺得自己有d老套呢?你係唔係harvard,你boyfriend有幾大粒,你係harvard識幾多象牙塔大粒佬關我地鬼事咩,你咪同返你d姨媽姑姐,一眾志同道合的好友講囉,they are your good listeners, not us.
I know I know!
dc is anonymous's HBS ex-bf!
Look at the amount of hate/crap between them on someone else's blog...must be something something going on!
P.S: My ex-gf's ex-bf's cousin's grand pa's lover teaches at Harvard Law school too, so it must be true!
P.P.S: If you reply me you are a loser dc/Anonymous from HBS/Yale/Iraq/etc etc...
P.P.P.S: Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded!
>>dc: Wow...61 comments already
let's push it to 100+ to make a new record
>>Erica:who are you?
let me guess. David Chung?Daniel Cheung?
If you can't understand the scarsam from my posts, then you are missing my point. I posted only because I read Ms. Yuen's interview on Next and found that pretty stupid for someone who think she's God's gift to planet earth and can save us all from this world.
"P.P.P.S: Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded!"
That's the most hilarious quote i read over the 67 comments, LMFAO :-)
Erica: I am nobody, just an everyday ordinary guy =] I'll leave you my email via Kafka if you want to talk more =]
Kafka: Yeah, 近墨者黑,got to make myself a loser for a loser friend like you - What are friends for? lol
I don't know: 100+ comments? Knock yourself out lol. I'll rather do 貴精不貴多 to bump up the average traffic of the blog itself than the comments~
I am a 38-year-old lady anjd was graduated from St Stephen's too. Like it or not, I have to admit that English proficieny of this school cannot be compared to that of say DGS or Maryknoll. Look at Reginia Yip Lau Suk Yee. Can you say her English is good? Written may be. Definitely not colloquial -full of accent. I won't say St Stephen's is a bad school. Just like what Erica posted on her web, I like the school but it is very true that it didn't provide a good environment for practising English. Those who can are either come from a good education family or have their own private tutors.
收皮啦, 二打六, 係度博出位, cheap.
dX街講左又唔認, 賤到爆, 以後唔好吠好冇
To "I am a 38-year-old lady anjd was graduated from St Stephen's too":
I happened to know some graduates from St Stephen's too but their English are quite excellent, on par with DGS or someone who went to Island School. I guess it all depends on whether one has the oppotunity/urge to learn outside of the classroom. I am a product of the HK education system till high school and went to college/graduate school in a Ivy League school. Even at my alma mater, there are students from HK who did not venture out of their own group and ended up speaking/writing English the way a typical HK high school graduate would have. I think for Erica's case, people here are arguing why she said that St. Stephen's was not that good a school (which Erica said she was misquoted). There is only so much one can learn English in a classroom and the rest is really up to one to learn outside of that....
on par with DGS or island school? that is a very rare case! my sister is one of them. she learned by going to summer school and her interest in English.
truth is, All 8A 9A 狀元 from SSC could only get straight into U Mich , without attending a US high school in between. English proficiency is the major reason to this limitation.
"retty stupid for someone who think she's God's gift to planet earth and can save us all from this world."
--- did you think i say that? it's retty stupid for someone who think one would say that from her mouth.
To Erica:
The St Stephen's graduates I met maybe are exceptional cases. Being a product of the HK education system, I understand totally the limitations one can learn "native" English from one's classroom. And I agree with you that schools like DGS/Island School provide lots more opportunities for their students to learn English inside and outside of the classroom. Then again, people who go to DGS/Island School are usually from well to do family who can afford lots more for their kids when it comes to education. But I guess some of the 8A 9A 狀元 from SSC went to better schools than U. Of Michigan, right? They might not speak English as well as others but I am sure they are pretty smart kids that can make that up once they are in college in the States. For your case, Tufts is a very good school too and I don't agree with your father that Ivy League is the only way to go for a education. There are so many good schools outside of the Ivy League circle and one's success really depends on how hard one wants to make it happen. I known so many people who went to good state schools and have much better careers than people who say went to Cornell/U. Penn. Schooling is only part of one's upbring and there are so many factors for one to be successful or not. You are a smart gal and I don't need to tell you about this.....
I m actually surprised that any person who is mentally sound would write anything to support Ms Yuen. I suspect all the positive comments were written by Ms. Yuen herself. Anyone agreeing with Proton?
P.S. Proton graduated from Columbia college. Hello SIPA graduate out there!