
Type A Person


開鋪雖然是一件可喜可賀的事, 但對於一個type A的人來說, 卻是災難.

Symptoms of Type A Behavior*
  1. Time urgency and impatience, which causes irritation and exasperation.
  2. Free floating hostility, which can be triggered by even minor incidents.
  3. Competitive, this made them oriented towards achievement which caused them to become stressed due to wanting to be the best at whatever it may be i.e. sports or in work.
* from wikipedia

I need to get things done, as quickly as possible.

開鋪, 有大約1000件事要做, 由室內設計, 擺位, 搵判頭解釋設計, 報價, 造柜, 造貨架, 造門, 選地板, 設計一個就手的cashier, 督促工程, 裝alarm, lighting, 買冷氣, 設計window display, 清潔, 搬貨, 點貨印price tags,  買電腦, 裝POS, 申請卡機, 電話線寬頻, 買凳子, 調配人手,準備opening cocktail, 搵supplier sponsor goodie bags, 請press, 選定cocktail那天穿什麽裙子, 請什麽人, 安排當日酒水snacks....等等.

就算10日不眠不休, 亦無可能一時間可以把所有工作做完, 因為裝修, 設計這類不是開一次會就可以將所有細節搞定, 需要溝通溝通再溝通, 花上大量時間to get things right. 

對一個Type A的人來說, 有工作pending就會有壓力. 我想把工作儘快做完, 但有時事情並非完全在我掌握之內.  所以我在想, 我跟所謂creative的人很難合得來是因為they take too long (in my view) to deliver. "得未呀? 個design出倒未呀? 一個星期喇wor, 好難畫架?"  That's me: I need to get things done, as quickly as possible.

距離開新鋪大概還有3個星期. 各位親戚朋友, 我只系想話比大家聽, 我好大壓力, 不好惹. Please fasten your seat belts!

2 則留言:

匿名 說...


Unknown 說...

Just do what u think is priority....but u will say: Everything is priority....don't BS here....right? I know...I know......actually, u've already know what to do coz all the preparation inside your heart. U will make it, don't hash yourself too much. U will see what will need to adjust the second day of your opening. Keep urself concentrate.....alright? U are smart girl....I feel u .....umm! Danger