Already bought this book, just wonder how come you notice the orgin of unfairness of our city caused by -- properties developer. Not much people would relaize the truth of the problem since their eyes are being covered by $$ nowadays. Expecting more book recommendation from you!
回覆刪除曲線幫左你小小. 其實佢自己蠢, 做左代言人又唔出聲, 又作野話俾hacker delete d 晒 d vids...原來係自己set左private, 仲白痴到剩低d代言vids remain public, 好假..."youtube女王"個名臭晒, 不如你頂上啦, 依家好多人支持你!
在web2.0的世界, 一定要誠實, 不可以收錢講野.不過好多blogger其實都收錢,只系好多人未知.
回覆刪除講到明用過'天然'同埋你公司入左' (haha, 希望係真)
大家互相ma! 唔會有欺騙感覺.
應該咁講...我覺得好既產品, 自己真金白銀買番黎放在mimingmart賣. 如果那隻產品唔好用,客人唔買,我會受到虧本的"懲罰". 所以我更加會選擇好的產品先做介紹.
回覆刪除收錢講野,mut都話好用啦,錢就收左, 袋袋平安,唔好用的話也無懲罰可言.
回覆刪除另外講番mimingmart~雖然有d人話你太過hard sell, 不過我覺得護膚品/化妝品,冇話有一隻產品一定係對所有人都有效ge~
有好多好好口碑ge product, 成日都會有少數人話唔work...
我覺得最重要係自己要有critical thinking,好似我睇左erica d vids, 都會再search下info, 覺得都幾好同成份真係天然先買~
基本上, beauty bloggers我只buy兩個,一個係erica, 另一個係queenie chan, 因為佢兩個最真~其他什麼化妝師, 美容雜誌編輯的blogs, 對我來說同睇廣告冇分別~
erica 呢個見解我完全認同
我覺得只要解決土地壟斷的問題, 所以其他問題都會迎刃而解.
回覆刪除Your make up is very nice! Please post another clip and teach me how you do it ! hehe
回覆刪除本書好正! 謝謝推介!
回覆刪除p.s 你今個video個妝好靚!
by erica
Already bought this book, just wonder how come you notice the orgin of unfairness of our city caused by -- properties developer. Not much people would relaize the truth of the problem since their eyes are being covered by $$ nowadays. Expecting more book recommendation from you!
回覆刪除Hi Erica,
回覆刪除Do you know where can I buy the English version one?