Depends on your investment horizon. If you have a 12-month horizon, buying at current price is fine. If you are more short-term, then it's possible to wait for the price to go back below $0.70 to buy. But the company will start buying back shares after its AGM in late-August (see my original article) so you should anyway try to get in before that.
Erica, 今日升到0.72, 入貨位幾多?
回覆刪除Depends on your investment horizon. If you have a 12-month horizon, buying at current price is fine. If you are more short-term, then it's possible to wait for the price to go back below $0.70 to buy. But the company will start buying back shares after its AGM in late-August (see my original article) so you should anyway try to get in before that.