The problem is not whether one or two or even a set of programmes are "high or low brow", but whether we have a choice. There are many free channels in USA and there is a strong NPR network.
I have been following your blog for a long time but am really disappointed in your obviously biased opinion this time. you have a point, but you are too busy with attacking TVB that you are not able to defend your arguments thoroughly.
I totally agree your standpoint of "choice" and tht's why I said there is no doubt that the quality of TVB programmes are far from satisfactory. I also suggest the government should give more licenses for broadcasting companies to produce more TV programmes of high quality.
I just wanna say while we point out the drawbacks of TVB, there is a need for us to criticise ATV as well in order to have a balanced and CONVINCING arguments.
好記得接近六四時,晚上11奌多無意中轉去atv看到一個類似時事縱橫的節目,係講六四的. 說atv係阿公台根本沒錯,節目係有講六四發生的原因和經過,但事件的結果只係輕輕帶過,之後就大量著墨於內地近幾年的發展有幾勁,香港的經濟受了內地政策幾多恩惠.同曾凸手上次話大陸近年發展有目共睹而避談六四這個永恆的傷口有甚麼分別??? 我即時 O 嘴.
"there is a need for us to criticise ATV as well in order to have a balanced and CONVINCING arguments. "
Everybody has her own vantage points and opinions. If you know so much about ATV, you may attend the hearing and stand up to speak. It is not fair to criticise someone for not bringing up a problem which they themselves are not entirely on top of.
In Hong Kong, of course we have every right to speak what we want to. But don't you think while we do so, we should also try to think about whether our arguments are valid?
In a city where we advocate free market economy, do we have to show any sympathy to ATV that has no significant improvement for decades? Undoubtedly, we need to concern about the market domination of TVB. But what ATV have been doing, such as broadcasting a lot of commericals of companies in CHina, obviously favoring Peking government are also part of the reasons why HK people don't prefer watching ATV.
Perhaps, ATV also has its responsibility to make a reflection about its political stance and management as well. I think it's within the capacity of ATV to do so. Right?
There is no doubt that TVB dominate the whole market of free TV channel. But as a private company that places profit as the first priority, they have no obiligations to leave a room for ATV to survive. If TVB really do so, then this is really stupid.
I think the problem of TVB domination is the government and ATV itself. TVB just has been using taking the advantages of its privilges.
Even if TVB no longer dominate the whole market, do you think HK people will watch ATV and ignore the quality of the programmes, and the problems I mentioned above, such as its political stance and poor mangaement.
every channel is like that. in america, there are gossip girl, 90210, ugly betty.. i don't see how that is very educational. and also tvb has shows for kids. u cant expect their drama to be about kiddish stuff cuz adults watch it too. & u are just being unfair only criticizing tvb and not atv
The free market only works when there is sufficient competition. As everybody knows, the world is not perfect and there is this thing called the entry fee.
Free market doesn't mean that the government should allow the participants to do everything they want, especially when they are doing things which serves no other purpose than undermining and driving out competition.
"Free market doesn't mean that the government should allow the participants to do everything they want, especially when they are doing things which serves no other purpose than undermining and driving out competition."
Then you admit that it is not the problem of TVB, but the government. Right?
"No. TVB has been pursuing anti-competition activities."
you still don't get my point, maybe due to my poor English. What I mean is that when there is no law prohibiting you from monopoly, why a private company should give a chance to your competitors to survive in the market? That doesn't make any sense at all !
If you were in charge of TVB, would you advocate the fair competiton and give up all your present advantages, just because you think "we should play fairly, no bullying"?
Of course, as a HK people, I am tired of some TVB programs and I want to have more competition in the market, but I can't find there is anything wrong with TVB supressing ATV. I think it is not the responsibility for TVB to take a lead in advocating any anti-competition practices.
Therefore, it is definitely the problem of the government rather than TVB.
There ARE rules in the licence against monopoly. They are simply not enforced.
"If you were in charge of TVB, would you advocate the fair competiton and give up all your present advantages, just because you think "we should play fairly, no bullying"?"
This strategy leads to self-destruction, as we have seen. As a creative business the only way forward is to create. TVB has been corroded to its core.
And I don't know if you were the one speaking against American TV. If you have been to USA, you should know that they have dozens of free channels, including NPR, HBO, Univision, ESPN... And for all those "dumb" series one can list many more "good" series, e.g. Friends, Seinfeld, CSI, the Simpsons,...
If you have read the comments above carefully, I guess you already know one of my standpoint is that " I strongly suggest the government allowing more free TV channels available in HK."
And I am not one speaking against American TV. Quite the contrary, I a fan of those TV programs. I just want to point out that there is no absoulte relationship between the mind of people and the quality of TV programs.
As for the points you raised about creativity and competition, I think the most effective way to stop TVB from monoploy is the governement, not TVB itself.
"TVB's policies have led to a long decline of HK TV. Over a decade of experience shows that there is no use waiting for the authorities to act. That's why the citizen are taking the matter into their own hands. And rightly so."
Compared to the government, do you really think that HK people can "EFFECTIVELY" stop TVB from monoploy?
Even the efficiency of those authorities are very low, this does mean that they can constantly do nothing and let other HK people do what they want. It is the responsiblity for them to act and serve the HK people, but not us, taxpayers do what they are supposed to do. Please do confuse these two things.
If it should be the case that HK people do things own their own, then why we need to go and speak up in the hearing organised by the government? Why HK people should take part in 71 demonstration to ask for universal suffrage. Why we not do this by our own?
There is *no* free market in HK TV. TVB *is* a monopoly and *has* pursued anti-competition practices, to the detriment of *almost everyone.*
Compare the stringent anti-trust legislations in USA. Google excutives have resigned from Apple board for fear of the slightest perception of anti-competition.
看完你個偉論後 , 我有幾個問題
你71遊行所說的“曾蔭權,扮代表,真不該(普通話), 是否仆街諧音?
TVB節目質素低 , 都係ge
但外國ge Sex and the City(日日都係講性)
Ugly Betty (醜化女性)
但我又唔見美國人好低B wor
仲有TVB 之前都有百法百中等有益節目
而東張西望我由專係foucs 娛樂圈轉為綜合資訊ge節目
唔該你睇清楚至回應人la ! kakakaka
"但我又唔見美國人好低B wor"
回覆刪除Are you kidding me? 好多美國人間直超低B!
"仲有TVB 之前都有百法百中等有益節目
而東張西望我由專係foucs 娛樂圈轉為綜合資訊ge節目"
100個節目中有一個節目有益... 俾個獎你好唔好? 東張西望直頭垃圾,sorry.
Re: 蔡英泉
為甚麼要俾獎我?我又不是TVB = ="
若果節目質素真的的影響民智 , 咁香港at least 有200萬低B人士 而你都可能係其中一份子
你ge說話令我費解 sorry ! 高B先生
我無意為TVB保駕護航 , 因為我冇需要 我只係想我地提出意見時持平一點
Ugly Betty is on ABC, not cable.
回覆刪除miss yuen,u are very brave~=]
Re: "匿名 提到...
回覆刪除看完你個偉論後 , 我有幾個問題"
The problem is not whether one or two or even a set of programmes are "high or low brow", but whether we have a choice. There are many free channels in USA and there is a strong NPR network.
你講野都好唔平衡wor <--- totally agree.
I have been following your blog for a long time but am really disappointed in your obviously biased opinion this time. you have a point, but you are too busy with attacking TVB that you are not able to defend your arguments thoroughly.
回覆刪除唔係ATV唔想俾心機做, 係一開始就係下風, 資源人力唔夠TVB黎, 至於點解, 正正就係tvb monopoly lor!
erica 都point out左其中一點, d歌星得一個台可以上, 雖則佢地而家號召力大不如前, 但係 1) atv已經少左一bunch人用, 2) 歌手廣告唔會係atv落
當然仲有好多不公平競爭, 搞到tvb d狗屎垃圾都幾百萬人捧, 當然tvb係有好節目, 但係一d都唔平衡, 一味得娛樂 劇集 個東張仲要不倫不類, 市民都想有d高質文化資訊...冇lor. tvb咁有優勢都搞唔到, 仲霸住晒, 反而atv仲做得好, 有一段時間幾多元化, 不過lei, monopoly下點維持到?!
仲有人人都話atv好多國內投資商好大陸化, 擔心中共入侵wor...點知cctvb仲勁lor diu
Re K:
回覆刪除I totally agree your standpoint of "choice" and tht's why I said there is no doubt that the quality of TVB programmes are far from satisfactory. I also suggest the government should give more licenses for broadcasting companies to produce more TV programmes of high quality.
I just wanna say while we point out the drawbacks of TVB, there is a need for us to criticise ATV as well in order to have a balanced and CONVINCING arguments.
Thank you !
To Erica,
回覆刪除你講到tvb既節目幾咁冇意義,例如乜乜節目,物物節目,而atv既節目就有意義得多,例如開心大發現(就咁一個例子就係論據?! 又完全唔提吓atv都有既垃圾節目?) 咁唔平衡, 冇point, 好難有說服力.
另一樣野係,由你去評論到節目的教育意義問題,令我覺得很奇怪. 我係一個每個星期都會聽大娛樂家的聽眾.講真,一個八卦娛樂新聞,講藝人是非的節目又有咩教育意義? 公開評呀邊個邊個未婚生仔,o個個包二奶三奶,邊個同邊個地下情,八來八去咪又係無聊到極.
我唔係批評你做呢個節目,甚至乎我每星期會download左個file在搭車既時候聽,消磨時間. 只係,當你每個星期都會主持一個冇意義既節目的時候,又走去鬧人地,同"五十步笑百步"有咩分別??
我寧願你繼續做大娛樂家,去滿足一班好似我咁八卦的聽眾 (說真的, 你absent個集即你真係做得好好. 至於人地都做d冇意義的節目係岩係錯就由更有資格的人去說吧. 言行一致先有說服力. 同埋"五十步笑百步"真係好肉酸. 你明白嗎?
對於你complain TVB既壟斷市場,我就非常贊成,事實上TVB係一直利用佢既優勢,以唔公平的手段去壟斷市場.. 同埋tvb多左好多教壞細路既節目,而家我夜晚7:30-10:30如果有開電視的話會睇有線
當大家都說tvb報導六四事件時有偏差的時候, 我好想知有幾多人看過atv有關六四的時事節目?!
回覆刪除好記得接近六四時,晚上11奌多無意中轉去atv看到一個類似時事縱橫的節目,係講六四的. 說atv係阿公台根本沒錯,節目係有講六四發生的原因和經過,但事件的結果只係輕輕帶過,之後就大量著墨於內地近幾年的發展有幾勁,香港的經濟受了內地政策幾多恩惠.同曾凸手上次話大陸近年發展有目共睹而避談六四這個永恆的傷口有甚麼分別???
我即時 O 嘴.
Erica,你如此討厭tvb,真不明白你當初為何要替他們打工,還要增肥拍無聊垃圾劇?!請不要說當初你唔直他們係咁衰格. tvb衰都唔係近一兩年的事;限制歌手出現在其他電視台也一直如此!
"there is a need for us to criticise ATV as well in order to have a balanced and CONVINCING arguments. "
回覆刪除Everybody has her own vantage points and opinions. If you know so much about ATV, you may attend the hearing and stand up to speak. It is not fair to criticise someone for not bringing up a problem which they themselves are not entirely on top of.
In Hong Kong, of course we have every right to speak what we want to. But don't you think while we do so, we should also try to think about whether our arguments are valid?
回覆刪除In a city where we advocate free market economy, do we have to show any sympathy to ATV that has no significant improvement for decades? Undoubtedly, we need to concern about the market domination of TVB. But what ATV have been doing, such as broadcasting a lot of commericals of companies in CHina, obviously favoring Peking government are also part of the reasons why HK people don't prefer watching ATV.
Perhaps, ATV also has its responsibility to make a reflection about its political stance and management as well. I think it's within the capacity of ATV to do so. Right?
1:04 下午, 七月 16, 2009 匿名:
正如袁彌明點解當初會選加選美、入 TVB,原因亦好簡單:
我一向好支持妳, 但呢次, 我無辦法同意妳!!!
回覆刪除歌手有自己選擇, 佢可以同無綫簽, 亦可以唔簽, 無人迫佢地, 重點係佢地自己可以選擇; 點解要咁話無綫?! 你唔鐘意咪唔好簽羅, who care? 佢地自己都未出聲, 點解妳要發言?
回覆刪除"In a city where we advocate free market economy, do we have to show any sympathy to ATV"
回覆刪除I don't think the concern is about sympathy to ATV, but rather that TVB have systemtic anti-competition behaviours.
回覆刪除大家,你們無account其實都可以留個名來發表的, 我睇到好似有一條友自己勁響度自言自語咁。
首先,乜你地話erica d人,唔覺得tvb壟斷真係有問題?又或者甘樣係唔岩?
至於 2005mhk18@gmail.com話美國既頻道係收費,呢樣我唔知,我亦相信總會有其他國家頻道需要收費,但係...美國都唔至於得2個台免費掛??
A storm about TV will begin !
回覆刪除4:07 下午, 七月 17, 2009
既然她看tvb咁唔順眼, 當初就應該去選亞姐. 不要說沒有其他選擇!
"do we have to show any sympathy to ATV that has no significant improvement for decades? "
回覆刪除That is not the point. The concern is that TVB has been pursuing anti-competition practices.
8:10 下午, 七月 17, 2009 匿名:
回覆刪除幾乎可以肯定,你(或妳)係果種阿爸阿媽自小對你寵愛,問你食卡樂 B 定麥當勞,你話事果隻,生活無憂米...
Re K:
回覆刪除There is no doubt that TVB dominate the whole market of free TV channel. But as a private company that places profit as the first priority, they have no obiligations to leave a room for ATV to survive. If TVB really do so, then this is really stupid.
I think the problem of TVB domination is the government and ATV itself. TVB just has been using taking the advantages of its privilges.
Even if TVB no longer dominate the whole market, do you think HK people will watch ATV and ignore the quality of the programmes, and the problems I mentioned above, such as its political stance and poor mangaement.
every channel is like that. in america, there are gossip girl, 90210, ugly betty.. i don't see how that is very educational. and also tvb has shows for kids. u cant expect their drama to be about kiddish stuff cuz adults watch it too. & u are just being unfair only criticizing tvb and not atv
回覆刪除The free market only works when there is sufficient competition. As everybody knows, the world is not perfect and there is this thing called the entry fee.
回覆刪除Free market doesn't mean that the government should allow the participants to do everything they want, especially when they are doing things which serves no other purpose than undermining and driving out competition.
"Free market doesn't mean that the government should allow the participants to do everything they want, especially when they are doing things which serves no other purpose than undermining and driving out competition."
回覆刪除Then you admit that it is not the problem of TVB, but the government.
8:10 下午, 七月 17, 2009 匿名:
回覆刪除幾乎可以肯定,你(或妳)係果種阿爸阿媽自小對你寵愛,問你食卡樂 B 定麥當勞,你話事果隻,生活無憂米...
6:31 下午, 七月 19, 2009
咩 「出左聲無得撈」呀,請睜大閣下的眼睛,我唔係話erica幫tvb打工時唔出聲抗議, 係話佢入tvb之前就應該知道tvb已經係咁霸道咁不滯, 咁就唔好再選擇幫呢間公司打工,而去選亞姐, 反正佢覺得atv好咁多. 係咪有人用槍指住佢個頭迫佢一定要去選港姐ㄚ?!我只係覺得她言行不一!
p.s. 我生活絕對唔係無憂米!
Dear Anon,
回覆刪除"Then you admit that it is not the problem of TVB, but the government.
No. TVB has been pursuing anti-competition activities.
The authorities are guilty in allowing that to happen.
The existence of a monopoly breaks the free-market model.
You may find it useful to learn more about anti-trust laws.
Re K,
回覆刪除"No. TVB has been pursuing anti-competition activities."
you still don't get my point, maybe due to my poor English. What I mean is that when there is no law prohibiting you from monopoly, why a private company should give a chance to your competitors to survive in the market? That doesn't make any sense at all !
If you were in charge of TVB, would you advocate the fair competiton and give up all your present advantages, just because you think "we should play fairly, no bullying"?
Of course, as a HK people, I am tired of some TVB programs and I want to have more competition in the market, but I can't find there is anything wrong with TVB supressing ATV. I think it is not the responsibility for TVB to take a lead in advocating any anti-competition practices.
Therefore, it is definitely the problem of the government rather than TVB.
Thank you
There ARE rules in the licence against monopoly. They are simply not enforced.
回覆刪除"If you were in charge of TVB, would you advocate the fair competiton and give up all your present advantages, just because you think "we should play fairly, no bullying"?"
This strategy leads to self-destruction, as we have seen. As a creative business the only way forward is to create. TVB has been corroded to its core.
And I don't know if you were the one speaking against American TV. If you have been to USA, you should know that they have dozens of free channels, including NPR, HBO, Univision, ESPN... And for all those "dumb" series one can list many more "good" series, e.g. Friends, Seinfeld, CSI, the Simpsons,...
Re K:
回覆刪除If you have read the comments above carefully, I guess you already know one of my standpoint is that " I strongly suggest the government allowing more free TV channels available in HK."
And I am not one speaking against American TV. Quite the contrary, I a fan of those TV programs. I just want to point out that there is no absoulte relationship between the mind of people and the quality of TV programs.
As for the points you raised about creativity and competition, I think the most effective way to stop TVB from monoploy is the governement, not TVB itself.
Thank you !
TVB's policies have led to a long decline of HK TV.
回覆刪除Over a decade of experience shows that there is no use waiting for the authorities to act.
That's why the citizen are taking the matter into their own hands. And rightly so.
我想問什麼叫做"冇野做"?? 每套劇集都有一個主題.. 例如烈火雄心、畢打自己人 中等。我又想問你亞視中.. 有那一套電影劇沒有涉及愛情????
無線也有不錯的節目.. 例如香港力量、東張西望等等..
"TVB's policies have led to a long decline of HK TV.
回覆刪除Over a decade of experience shows that there is no use waiting for the authorities to act.
That's why the citizen are taking the matter into their own hands. And rightly so."
Compared to the government, do you really think that HK people can "EFFECTIVELY" stop TVB from monoploy?
Even the efficiency of those authorities are very low, this does mean that they can constantly do nothing and let other HK people do what they want. It is the responsiblity for them to act and serve the HK people, but not us, taxpayers do what they are supposed to do. Please do confuse these two things.
If it should be the case that HK people do things own their own, then why we need to go and speak up in the hearing organised by the government? Why HK people should take part in 71 demonstration to ask for universal suffrage. Why we not do this by our own?
You mentioned that it is unfair to the poor people if they don't have the option to watch the higher quality Paid TV Channels.
回覆刪除I want to say that there is no such thing as FREE TV Channel in Canada. We need to pay monthly fee just to watch basic news.
You wouldn't say that it's unfair that the poor people don't have the option to live in a luxury house. Would you?
You get what you can afford =)
I don't think your opinion is fair~
The whole thing is simple as:
回覆刪除There is *no* free market in HK TV.
TVB *is* a monopoly and *has* pursued anti-competition practices, to the detriment of *almost everyone.*
Compare the stringent anti-trust legislations in USA. Google excutives have resigned from Apple board for fear of the slightest perception of anti-competition.
" (逼)但係唔係(逼) "
回覆刪除慢慢講, 學好中文啦^^
我都唔睇晒喇, 浪費時間