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2 則留言:

  1. Hi Erica, I have been following your blog for a really long time. I love your style of writing and I have come to love your personality through your blog. I just want to say that it was much more interesting to read in the past when you had lots of opinions on various matters in society. I'm sad to see that it is getting boring though I know you're working very hard on your beauty business. I just wish that you'll continue to write and share with us your thoughts. I think there are a lot out there who think like me. ^_^

  2. yes i'm sorry and i totally understand how you feel.

    ever since my column at sudden weekly came to an end due to the financial tsunami, i've been focusing on trading futures and doing my retail business, rather than writing articles like before.

    and i have to say my current mindset isn't helping (too stuck with business).

    i hope my store/business will get on track later, so that i can pick up a column at magazine/newspaper again.
