昨晚在家裡和媽媽一同看電視, 有一個呼籲女性注射防子宮頸癌疫苗的廣告, 開始是一位病人, 在床上哭, 旁白大意是「因為患上子宮頸癌, 要切除子宮, 失去了子宮, 我覺得自己很不完整, 不是一個完整的女人」.... 大概是這樣吧?
即使, 是想利用「後果可以有多嚴重」來呼籲人去注射疫苗, 但有沒有想到許多已經超齡不能注射疫苗, 卻即將必須要切除子宮的女士, 看到這個廣告, 有多不開心?
要在黃金時段, 向700萬人宣告, 沒有子宮的人, 是不完整的女人嗎?!
要知道她們為了健康, 必須選擇要去捨棄子宮的決心和勇氣, 為何卻要被一個廣告如此的傷害, 提醒失去子宮的她們, 是「不完整的人」?
為什麼不能用一些正面的訊息去宣揚、鼓勵人去注射疫苗, 卻要用到這種會傷害到許多根本不能注射卻偏偏只能選擇切除的病者的爛廣告??
這對一直鼓勵病者去切除子宮而保命的家人朋友們, 又會是如何的一個重擊?
可以的話, 誰想去做一個不完整的女人?!
讓人不安的爛廣告, 沒有腦筋的爛編劇、爛導演, 一個已經太多, 太多....
回覆刪除又類似男人無名牌豪宅無跑車唔係做「 I-bank --唔好理邊間,一定係 i-bank,普通 bank 都唔得嘅」、無買股票無買基金未換最新款手機,是謂「廢柴」、「呢個男人有啲問題」、「唔上進」、「唔係完整嘅好男人」甚至「嫁佢妳死梗」,等等。
拜拜 ~~~~
你都咪話,呢類政府訊息宣傳廣告,製作費係好貴,但好多時唔係由創作人( 即廣告人 ) 一手創作,諗左條橋要俾果班「官」去批,所以變成奇奇怪怪。
回覆刪除[ 我個初戀情人就係我老公...] <-- 其實呢句都唔算好白痴,因為呢句係其中一句對白,話呢個觀念唔等同避免子宮頸癌,我覺得呢句反而幾有代表性,因為好多女人真係咁以為。
但「無左子宮 = 不完整的女人」就好有問題,咁不如話:
「傷害到許多根本不能注射卻偏偏只能選擇切除的病者」,你以為會是這些無良商家的 concern 嗎?
完全不同意 woh. The purpose of the advertisement is to have people take the immunization shot. A lot of research has shown the best tactic to encourage behavior is to show the consequences.
回覆刪除In NYC, they are showing a lot of ads of ladies without fingers due to smoking - their fingers had to be amputated due to cancer. It's quite disturbing, actually, to see all these pictures of amputated fingers around the subway. Sure, you will hurt the feelings of those with amputated fingers. But more importantly, your message works.
I understand some feelings are hurt... but to 100% reject "沒有腦筋的爛編劇、爛導演" is not helpful. Think for the 7 million people without cervical cancer and how many would react to the advertisement and get their shots and prevent a horrible future.
i think it's just horrifying, not true, and making false punch line like: 沒有子宮就是不完整的女人。
回覆刪除oh come on!
there're many other ways to get women to take the shots,but not in this "恐嚇"sense.
回覆刪除Is this a commercial from last century?? Please do not tell me it's sponsored by our government. This is such a bad copy for a health commercial. It is as problematic as using our tax money to fund the construction of Noah's Ark-themed park! I hope the future liberal arts education can in the least help nurture kids that can write intelligent and justifiable message for these commercials.