I wonder if the recent publications so penned by Yic Shue are truly her works. The tone of the writing has become so different from her earlier works, as if they are written by another author. The recent ones are so very difficult to read.
Maybe she has licensed her pen-name to someone else.
i read almost all (i'd say 95%) of her books. i was once a die hard fan until i i read one of her book which i think the storyline was copied from a real life story of a soldier of viet war. i get to know the viet war story from discovery. it was such a disappointment.
好就女人 唔好就累人
回覆刪除I never knew you originated from Shanghai, this explains it all lol.
回覆刪除We are dealing with a city with a legacy of producing strong female for decades : )
Correct link for the second page:
I think Lenug is not pretty though. And why didn't you volunteer yourself?
I wonder if the recent publications so penned by Yic Shue are truly her works. The tone of the writing has become so different from her earlier works, as if they are written by another author. The recent ones are so very difficult to read.
回覆刪除Maybe she has licensed her pen-name to someone else.
- Economist
從小學開始已經看亦舒的了, 她那種簡潔卻細膩的文筆令我很有代入感, 讀後總覺韻味久久不散...
回覆刪除很喜歡會看亦舒小說的人, 可惜身邊的同學朋友都不是啊...
整番劑 寧波湯丸 ......
回覆刪除我真係睇完你呢個blog 就走左去睇朝花夕拾, 又真係幾好睇喎, 而家睇返廿幾年前既小說, 竟然係唔Leung架喎, 有d驚喜tim...唔知方中信個套電影, 而家睇返會唔會好leung 呢, 佢竟然用左男主角既名做藝名, 都幾得意, 唔通因為覺得套戲好好?
回覆刪除i read almost all (i'd say 95%) of her books. i was once a die hard fan until i i read one of her book which i think the storyline was copied from a real life story of a soldier of viet war. i get to know the viet war story from discovery.
回覆刪除it was such a disappointment.