我想請問你是不是買了 doctor O Young,Shelley Redford Young 的the miracle for weight loss:Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight ?? 你覺得本書怎樣?值得買嗎? thank you
I hope you will remind people next time your videos are strictly your opinion. I worry that some people will take your products too seriously and consume the powder in replacement for real vegetables. Also, cooking and help kill bacteria and denature toxins found in food naturally.
Cooking does lead to loss of some nutrients, thats why many people suggest cooking at lower temperature and for shorter periods. However, if cooking will lead to excessive loss of nutrients, everyone in the world that eats cooked food will be malnourished.
回覆刪除this is not for weight loss alone, it's for your health. you just can't go wrong with more vegetables in your diet.
回覆刪除我想請問你是不是買了 doctor O Young,Shelley Redford Young 的the miracle for weight loss:Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight ??
thank you
how about fish oil
益力多是酸的? ph 粉是鹼的, 可不可以max 呢?
回覆刪除Thand you for your suggestion. I am interested in it but I wonder if i could accept the taste of it.
回覆刪除May I try it hehe? thanks a lot Erica
HI Erica,
回覆刪除請問如果想增POUND 係咪ng arm 飲??
ms erica, a gentle reminder,
those phion books
hair straighten
the remaining make-up episode
the simple make-up-and-go method
coz im looking forward to all of them, haha, but no hurry, just a gentle reminder, in case u forget.
回覆刪除I hope you will remind people next time your videos are strictly your opinion. I worry that some people will take your products too seriously and consume the powder in replacement for real vegetables. Also, cooking and help kill bacteria and denature toxins found in food naturally.
Cooking does lead to loss of some nutrients, thats why many people suggest cooking at lower temperature and for shorter periods. However, if cooking will lead to excessive loss of nutrients, everyone in the world that eats cooked food will be malnourished.
聽左你講D 野, 我真係好想試下LE隻粉,,
回覆刪除COZ 我成日返工又要返學,,,食冇定時,,訓又唔夠,,,
PS" 唔好意思阿,,我仲係學生, 所以冇credit card.
please email me at 2205mhk18@gmail.com
回覆刪除同埋, 我想問下Erica平時點樣減肥架? 我三十一歲,但係減極減唔到。
早上吃腿通 / 炸菜肉絲通
中午 自己帶飯, 好清淡的, 多數半碗飯, 灼菜, 兩至三片肉絲
晚上 家常飯 或者壽司
全以清淡為主, 但人反而愈來愈肥。 可能好忙? 我朝九晚七, 八點吃晚飯
每星期一至兩天運動:羽毛球或游水 (1 小時)
點解唔瘦? 我Keep住做已有一個月。
同埋, 我大約廿五歲前一直都係110lb未重過, 現在係120 lb!!!
既然是juicy做成的粉, 點解會唔溶係水呢? 如果係菜直接打粉,不溶係水好合理, 就如你所說, 一舊菜唔會溶係水。但如果是juicy, 即本身係都係液體, 咁點解唔可以還原呢?