
@ Asia Game Show

14 則留言:

匿名 說...

you have a very proportional body figure, how do you stay in such perfect shape, considering that you were a little on the...chubby side before.(but trust me, chubby really isn't the word to describe, coz i'm dead sure you don't look chubby at all off camera)

匿名 說...

i can see ur pubic hair shape!!!!!!!!!!!oh my god

匿名 說...

Absolutely stunning, you don't have one ounce of fat in your body.

Keep it up!

匿名 說...

Oh! you have the wings!

Good Luck,


匿名 說...

How to 減至92磅???I want too ar...我經常stay至98-100 之間....你好fit 呀....上圍又Keep到!!!BTW How tall are u ???

匿名 說...

好beautiful ar!!

匿名 說...

毛既形狀都睇到? 唔係ma? 好似冇走光喎. erica應該會好小心trim走晒d毛毛先出場.


shizuoka2002 說...




高橋涼介 說...

It's no doubt that your body shape is perfect.However I am curious to the weather.
It's winter!Winter!Winter!...!

L L 說...



匿名 說...

We wish you have a Merry X'mas and a Happy New Year!


匿名 說...



匿名 說...

What's the point of wearing Swim suit at a video game show?

陳大文部落 說...

哈哈哈.....忍唔住留個言 ~

10:23 上午, 十二月 26 匿名:[ What's the point of wearing Swim suit at a video game show? ]

>>> 咁不如問下閣下,你問呢啲咁嘅問題個 Point 係乜呢??