
Click: 女人的理想


6 則留言:

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  2. Do professionally successful women have to give up family to become what they are? It's a tougher route (pregnancy of all) for sure, but not impossible. It's much easier to do well in one, as I can witness from my friends. Wouldn't you want to do well at both?

    Also, despite their claims of being empty, I have a real suspicion on how much the career women really wants the family life. Experience tells me that people pick the life that they are good at, meaning if you are a family oriented person, you pick family, and pick profession otherwise. It's quite a simple strategy.

    They have become successful because they are good at their jobs. They will derive utility from that job. If it is truly family that they want, just give up the career. It's that simple.

    There's no one is better than the other, in my opinion. Then again, I'm not a lady... and I have only one route to pick: profession.

  3. 不不不,怎麼會呢?




  4. Well being a feminist, I think you should always protect yourself by having a good career.

    When you're young, your husband will probably love you a lot despite the fact that you're a stay-home mom. When you're older, you might realize that you have nothing to converse with the husband because you have 'lost-touched' with the real world. Perhaps, you think the husband enjoy listening for your ranting. Unfortunately, your husband might think you're annoying !!!

    In order to enhance the relationship with your husband, you should have a good career. So that you can have something to talk about and boost up the relationship with your husband.

  5. josekin:
    every one wants to do well both, but what if they don't work well together...
    you think career women do not want a family life? i think most of them are lying, just because they can't have one. =)

    leona: link to my article? of course, you can always do without asking for my permission!

    no one should "lost-touch" with the real world. your husband loves you because the two can communicate in same language, meaning the language of "the world", not the women's career.

  6. 我可以和妳說,當一個女人以事業為重的時候,即使她能嫁個好丈夫,她的家庭關係在基礎上是不能容納的,除非她能切切底底把自己的事業丟棄,否則根本上將來一定是不會有美滿的家庭關係,就是因為本人的母親就是一名典型的女強人,所以有感而發
