
my honor to receive your credit

9 則留言:

  1. u are Suen Pak Man???

  2. are you out of your mind? you think i am that dude? or you think i have a dual-identity?

  3. well...no need to be so mad gal. It is just coz i tried to click at your link and it leads to a Suen Pak Man's article and i tried to search your name and find no article under ur name, that's why i asked that q. I would appreciate if you could sound less offensive in your tone. you might not mean that, but it does hurt.

  4. oh come on! be cool baby! i was just kidding! how come no one understands my tone of humor... ok i will review myself...

  5. ummm prob coz...we dont know u THAT well...in fact i should apologize in the previous msg coz i didnt read Suen Pak Man's article in detail so didnt spot that u are one of the bloggers that contribute to his findings (so i mistakenly think u are suen pak man) anyhow...dat's alrite..i mean if i know u in person prob i will be more receptive to your tone...but afterall, i can only try to know u more in your blog (given most media are quite misleading)...your sense of humour cannot get thru to me yet...may be a bit more time...haha

  6. Erica = Suen Pak Man.

    Oh my! New materials for the media!

    Its true 'cause its from Erica's blog lol

  7. i can tell you for sure that beef-jerky looks exactly the way it is portrayed on print - communicated with that guy in person once in college and all i could say is whatever this meaty beast says simply makes you sweat...

  8. Erica,今天看了很多篇在妳Blog內的文章,很高興見到一位年輕的藝人,說起一些言之有物的道理.從來,我都覺得進入娛樂圈的人,十居其九的都是貪慕虛榮的,特別是近年的年輕偶像.

    二十多歲,還裝作可愛小女孩的樣子;說話時滿口懶音,像陶才子所講的,聽得你一身酥麻;男的,吸毒,醉駕,滿口粗言,怒擲結他,卻以為自己是一位憤世嫉俗的行為藝術家,還自比John Lennon, Simon & Garfunkel,黃家駒之流;一本相集,下面加了幾句膚淺的附註,便說自己是一個成功的作家,一位才子,一位才女?到底,他們是否明白Book與Magazine的分別?


    P.S. 其實我對藝人濫用"Artist"這個名詞,覺得十分反感.很多窮一生精力,貢獻自己給舞台的人,極其量只會稱自己為"藝術工作者","演員".然而,一眾年輕的偶像,都厚顏地稱自己為"Artist",請問,你們是否感到汗顏?"藝術家"這名詞與你匹配嗎?我想,除周潤發,詹瑞文,白雪仙,顧嘉輝等前輩外,"Artist"絕對與你無關.


  9. Is it so bad to be me?

    hor hor hor
