
Just read Stephy's News:
鄧麗欣(Stephy)(見圖)昨出席《第19屆CASH流行曲創作大賽》時,談到近日被雜誌指她在留言版上,以錯誤英語跟樂迷交流,她回應說:「在聊天 區交談的人多數不理會文法,我英文算不上很好,但也不想被人說我教壞Fans,所以我部電腦已安裝了中文軟件,可以用中文跟Fans溝通更加直接。」問她 是否感到才女地位被人質疑?Stephy謂:「我沒有認過是才女,所以不會感到不悅,出書只是寫自己喜愛的題材,之後我亦會檢查十次自己的文章後才有膽量 公開。」
但是她回應記者針對性的提問時所表現和表達的 (如上文)﹐真的讓我另眼相看。她的冷靜和謙虛是很值得我學習的。

我知道那次真的是我錯了。stephy 對不起。雖然大方的妳已經原諒了我﹐我還是要再說一聲。

還有﹐face上次的報導若影響了gold label﹐我想跟 paco and mark lui 道歉。
實情是雜誌的編劇在做文章﹐chelsea 打給我求救的時候﹐我馬上就打給了 face 的記者﹐跟他們說所有不好的言論和文字都千萬別套在chelsea的嘴裡﹐由我來說就好了。(反正形象已經夠衰/夠寸)
事情雖已過﹐但在此再向 stephy, paco, mark, chelsea, employees of gold label, and fans of stephy say Sorry, I really mean it this time.

13 則留言:

  1. erica,其實係d傳媒鐘意作故仔,係人都知,你唔駛咁介意,認識你的人都知你唔係咁o既意思,係一埸誤會

  2. 人誰無過呢?只要知錯能改已是一個進步。

  3. Erica, it's good to see you have the courage to apologize as many people don't..but i think you should also be more fair to yourself. I think attacking her on her education background (if you apologize for that, that's fine) has crossed the line a bit but I'm sure that wasn't what you intended to say. As you mentioned, you were angry because you think booklovers should have respect for all authors. So I guess if you could have said that instead of mentioning her education background it would have be perfectly legitimate.
    When I read what she replied to the media, I seriously think that she's become more humble from what has happened (e.g. media reporting you 'inching' her, and people on the net start attacking her in many aspects..) cuz before this war intensifies to this extent, from what i read of her, it's just disgusting. I think your anger might also be related to these previous things she said... like once I read from a fashion magazine, she was talking about she loves reading Nietzsche. That's fine, but she said (may not be exact wording but sth like that)'尼采d書我要睇兩次先明 etc) My first reaction was: 如果尼采聽到喊都似。。 to me, anyone who dares to say it only takes them twice to understand a philosophic book reflects how ignorant they are unless you are one of those in the Great mind series books perhaps, or even not so.. I think similar things she said is what made people who respect knowledge despise her, not her education background.
    Nonetheless, you both have learnt from that, For you, you've learnt to be more careful with what you say as a celebrity (err and yet still remain outspoken..) and you have made a sincere apology, which is a very hard thing to do for many people.
    And we should also give some credit to her (even though yea i still don't like her, but i'm not her target group anyway i guess) as she has also learnt to be more humble, so it shows at least she has "羞恥之心". This is a very good attribute I must say as I know many people, not just celebrities who don't and will just 死'撐'。

  4. u:
    i don't think so man...

  5. nice:
    "要有新聞見報,但又要顧及形象"this is such a paradox.
    there're only negative news nowadays, so it's very hard to keep a healthy image while appearing in news all the time. 只有默默耕耘﹐像盈盈和鍾嘉欣

  6. YES!!
    And remember what you said in 2005.
    Everybody, let's always "DO OUR BEST". And there will be no regret.

  7. don't use william hung's line to encourage me. will bring bad lucks!!!

  8. 乜你終於都肯知錯喇咩? 袁彌明

  9. Erica, good thing TVB isn't promoting you.

  10. Erica, I really appreciate yr attitude as being an artist in HK, I don't think anyone in HK can be as "real" as you. Been visiting yr blog for some days, yr words are really tasty and punching!

    p.s. any masterpieces from u this year in book exhibition??

  11. ho: "any masterpieces from u this year in book exhibition??"
    i wish.. but i haven't had time to sit down and write yet. I want to write a book of articles on a 26-yr-old girl's monologues to HK society as of right now.

  12. stephy係我覺得係永遠最好既偶像,希望你唔好再令stephy唔開心啦!!!!!不過有彈都有讚既,你係同事三分親都做得唔錯!!!!!!!!!

  13. Stephy fans: "希望你唔好再令stephy唔開心啦!!!!!"---- Yes, madam.

    Thanks for your complement! i will work hard in acting.
