

留 言 集

此 地 不 留 人   王 賢 誌

Vinci, I admire your courage in doing this interview.

Miss you so much in《 娛 樂 直 播 》


18 則留言:

  1. Cannot agreed with you more. Had a second thoughts of Vinci after reading the article.

  2. Hi Erica, what is the interview about? It is regarding his sexual orientation?

  3. After reading the article of 忽周,I totally agreed with what you said.

  4. That's just a rich kid whining about this "real" world.

    It is a very common thing in this world that the most experienced and most talented person may not get the best recognition. He should know that from "Day 1" when he joins the entertainment industry.

  5. TKO: true, but he has the guts to whine, while many of us don't.

  6. 假設性問題:若有個屋邨仔想進娛樂圈,才藝樣貌與王公子你相若,他可有機會賺得師奶台半紙合約?



  7. oh...袁家新一代..又何嘗不是有錢不知事世艱難 ?

  8. wat happened to him? sorry, can't read chinese -_-"~ but I still want to know what's going on~!

  9. You might be good friends with that blow water guy Vinci mentioned in the magazine. But I must say I hate listening to his trash talk (compliments, compliments and unnecessary compliments to the ‘stars’ p.s. the compliments are increasing with the popularity of the stars) when he was interviewing people. Some of the hosts in the show might not be as experienced as him and they might occasionally give compliments to the stars out of respect but I still think they have done a humble job and do what they are supposed to do. While this guy’s style is just like this: suppose he’s interviewing with a red star:
    The intro must start like this before the star could even speak:
    Wow the one Im interviewing is divine: I have been a BIIIIIG fan of his since I was xx. In fact, his first CD is the first CD I ever bought. I could remember all the lyrics of all the songs in the album because it’s just soooooooooooo good yada yada (下刪10000字) Does he know that hes using the valuable air time simply to brush shoes?! Sometimes it’s almost embarrassing to listen to him cuz the purpose is just so obvious… I think this is not what a good host should be. I’m wondering, if this guy could flatter people all the time on tv, what can he be for real? Perhaps he should join the Apprentice instead rather than being a host. He fails as a host. The audience is not interested in how he admires all the stars. To be honest, whenever I hear him talk, I will change to ATV even though it has nothing going on, you have to PAY me to have him listening to him=)and I guess you know what the economic meaning means lol. Sometimes I just end up watching Bloomberg instead because of that.

  10. 我佩服他的勇氣。


  11. to anonymous:

    vinci appreciates good sides of many people, that's how he got a lot of friends in the show biz. compliments are his real feelings and it is also a way to open up interviewee in interviews.
    He has passion and pleasure in working as an host and MC; which i don't see that very often at tvb.

    it is your choice to watch bloomberg instead of 娛樂直播 of course.

    i wonder why you didn't write in real name but leaving your identity as anonymous in this comment post.

    he definitely has something that you don't possess.

  12. No no!!please don’t get me wrong. I agree exactly what vinci said! What I meant was (sorry if I didn’t express myself clearly!) that I agree with him that it seems like people in the showbiz are not given opportunities based on their abilities but who the people in the management level like, so perhaps those who go around pleasing people with motives will move up faster than the hard working ones are not given opportunities this way if they don’t do the same. In this sense, I really appreciate you and vinci’s outspokenness. I think many of you in the show do well and are more humble when dealing with the stars, and this makes the conversation much more natural, but it seems like ironically those who do well and improve quickly are not given more opportunities and I feel sad for people who actually work hard but can not get what they deserve for bad reasons. In fact, I think Vinci is a very good host and he hasn’t made use of his background to move up and I really respect him (by no means do i think he’s a brush shoe boy. if he is, he simply wont have guts to say what he has said), so please don’t get me wrong! As for going anonymous, I don’t have an account in goggle, is there any place I can input my name?

  13. is he talking shit about TVB?
    the colours to the chains look like TVB logo's
    look so extreme


  14. wait a second
    judging by the title
    is he leaving TVB?
    CABLE should be more open
    ATV is trash
    anyways i live in Sweden so im not sure
    bye bye


  15. To Long-posting-Anonymous-hypocrite, just wanted to tell you that you contradicted yourself within the two posts you made.

  16. yea without an account with google, you can't post your name. Shouldn't you have thought about it, Erica?

  17. Please read carefully.. In my first post, I'm talking about the guy vinci MENTIONED in that article, not vinci.
    In any case, it does not matter now, i just want to point clear who I'm accusing and people may disagree with me and even Vinci himself may not think not that. It's just how I think about that person he mentioned but I just don't want people to mistakenly think that I am accusing Vinci as it is really not what I mean. And I dont think i'm contracdicting myself as I'm talking about two complete different persons.
    I think you can disagree on my view, which Erica may also, but i would disagree if you say that I'm contradicting myself. Anyway please end this, my post originally just aims to show my support to people,especially public people, who have guts to express what they say,just that, as it's rare in HK, that's all.

  18. "that blow water guy Vinci mentioned in the magazine" sorry, this line was a little misleading, plus, i didn't read it carefully enough.

    it all makes sense now with your clarification.
