
對城市生活感到非常厭惡,污濁空氣,噪音不絕、霓虹光污染、店舖密集,賣的全是為滿足城市人官感刺激的東西—美食、衣服、化妝品、高跟鞋、影碟、電話等。What do we need all these for?為快感?為靚?為快樂?城市人迷失在城市當中,被物質虛榮支配,想不起甚麼能真正滿足心靈。願我來日遷移往亞熱帶島嶼,經營小酒店,終日親近大自然,呼吸天賜的空氣,吃最簡單原始的食物,穿適的棉質衣服,永別化妝品、高跟鞋。而最大娛樂莫過於享受天倫之樂、弄兒之樂、與友人相聚談笑之樂。人類不斷努力工作到底為了甚麼……為了自己?為了促進文明?文明是為了滿足人類的欲望。欲望不會停止,人類亦因此不斷繼續工作。而到最後,文明破壞地球生態環境,令人類滅亡。聽起來很「灰」,但確實是我所想,所以現在至少盡量愛惜大自然,愛惜身邊的人。

7 則留言:

  1. by the way.. what are the chances that this is the real erica yuen?? if so can you send me an autograph with your picture? i would really want one!! hehe

  2. of course i'm real... you want me to be fake?
    haha pls send me your address to 2005mhk18@gmail.com

  3. Well..I sense a long comment right here, but I'll try and cut it short since it's almost 2am here in Melbourne, Australia.
    You did sound quite dull in that entry and I see why you do. In society today, people are generally slaves of themselves. By becoming part of the city life, you automatically become a slave yourself..That is why these people work so hard. Everyday they wake up, eat, work, eat, sleep and the cycle will not stop. They go through this in order to obtain their "prized" possessions. Seldom would you meet someone who really loves what they do and has that passion burning while they are at work everyday.
    However, it's much easier said than done. Taking yourself out of this situation requires more than just acknowledging the deep hole you've fallen into. Allow me to recommend a great book to you if you have not already read it previously. It goes by the name of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" "窮爸爸, 富爸爸" (I guess that's the Chinese name of it XD)
    It shows how people work so hard for so little and in the end they are only cheating themselves through their liabilities. It's such a great quality you posses to be able to speak from heart.
    Also I watched one of your drama series a while ago; "肥田喜事". Your character somewhat reminds me of this post. It was quite funny though when you were at the scene in the Hospital with 肥仔希 and 阿樂. Where he rejected your food and you thought that he didn't love you because he didn't want your food :P
    Anyway, I think I've written too much, so byebye for now and may God bless you

  4. Hi Michael,
    Thanks for taking the time to make this long comments.
    Yes I could be quite pessimistic at times; not only on myself, but on many typical HKers' work-eat-sleep cycle as you mentioned. I know the concept in Rich Dad Poor Dad; but money, to me, means so much in life. There are much more life's about. I'm reading this book "Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren now; and am starting to agree what it says. It's about God and Eternity.
    Oh thanks for watching Fei Tin... That line you mentioned is the most difficult line I've seen in my script so far...and you should know why.
    Again, Welcome to my blog and Thanks for commenting!


  5. Haha!
    This is turning out to be quite amusing..Well, when it comes down to knowing you personally I think I'd be on the bottom of the list, however, you've always given me the impression that you are bright and enthusiastic in every aspect of life.
    You don't need to be so pessimistic about yourself or typical HKers. Everyone has their own gifts and qualities. I see that you've been well blessed. Not only have you been blessed with the looks. Your heart and thoughts caters for the high respect so many people will undoubtedly have for you. In my eyes, you're a great person, whether it be inside or out and you have such great potential to become such an influential leader. Hopefully you will be able to use your powers wisely. There's this one line from Spider Man that just struck me right now, "With great power comes great responsibility."
    I have faith in you that you will be able to achieve your goals :)
    Being pessimistic towards typical HKers..hrmm
    It's rather difficult to be able to change the way how the majority of people take on life. If they chose to take this path of constant slavery; there's not much others can do about it. I believe it really comes down to self conscious and their own morals.
    As a public figure, you have much more persuasive power as opposed to any other average person. As I noted before, hopefully you will be able to use your powers wisely. Maybe you can use your powers to educate people of the better things in life. It can be such a meaningful and challenging task. Hopefully you will continue to be the bright Erica I know of! :) God Bless You

  6. "MONEY, TO ME, MEANS SO LITTLE IN LIFE" that's what i meant.. in my last post... a very wrong typo

  7. Erica,

    I strongly agree with Erica's view,that is,emotional rich is more important than materialism.
    Insofar as, the money can be useless as self-sufficient can be implemented.

    It sounds interesting,right?Don't forget, most of the ancient Chinese people will be the peasants,and,they eat what they grow but no way for the modern people.Moreover,it demonstrated there was the constraint for the barter system.

    For my view,I keen on earning the money though I am the Christian as I was young (at 12 years old).Not because I am a greed person,however,I was so touching as I heard the story for Rockerfeller.Hence,it seems the better way for Erica to get the own business(but not become the actress),and,teach the people how to be rich, for both of them(but not the donation,it will be useful at immediate only).

    P.S. Please forgive my grammatcial error,thanks~~~~~~:)
