
Mi Ming Mart 的 expenses

今日click入quickbook看看mimingmart的上個fiscal year的P&L, 最大的expenses系
1) Salary Expense
2) Discount to Customers
3) 寄賣點Commission

有趣既系...同我心目中的priority都幾吻合.  員工--->客人--->合作夥伴.

6 則留言:

匿名 說...

Thought I saw you at Garden Fete in Mongkok Sunday Nov 13...Was that really you?

2005mhk18@gmail.com 說...

yes that's me!

匿名 說...

Oh, I should have walked up to you and introduced myself while you were waiting for your friends. Well, there's always next year. I will definitely do so next year.

2005mhk18@gmail.com 說...

shouldn't have missed that. i'm not sure if i'm going next year... but in any case, you can always email me.

匿名 說...

想問下handybio 導入機日日用得唔得架?

2005mhk18@gmail.com 說...

建議一星期用兩次。 唔使日日用架