只系錯在 "stupid" lor....not to the public bor....If either Cheung or Chung dare to blame the general public in the interview (have no right to view other's privacy in the first place), I will be their fans.
hey...from what time onwards, the public starts to beleive what the media said ^^...I personally will not take so serious about the articles written by the so-called entertainment reporters lor
D人都chi sin 架!! 就算係如果有個女人做雞嘅,咁佢响街被人強暴就唔可以call police ga?!!
i agree to this point. But using a prostitute as an example might not be strong enough since prostitutes are generally being looked down upon and people can't really relate to it
perhaps a slightly better example that even the general public can relate to is: if you make love with your husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend, does it mean that you wouldn't mind being f*** by some strangers without your consent (raped)?
Oh, I think most people beleive that they have a right to fxxk Ah Gill....Otherwise, why so many people blamed the couple who just took photos for self-collection.
I hope one day, the people who blamed Ah Gill or other involved artists knowing what kind of mistake they actually made.
Look forward to having a better society in the near future.
19 則留言:
hi erica, jus sent you an email, whenever time's permitted, please check your mailbox~~
因為而家好多人,係『睇幾句』、『睇一段』,和『攞一句半句 soundbite』來推想整篇文的。
對比下呀嬌同張柏芝, 點解唔話張柏芝虛偽呢? 我諗係好死唔死呀嬌姐兩年前俾人偷拍猶如玉女香消玉殞成班其身不正(大部分啦下)的藝人站出來.
嘩, 內裡原來是咁的.
當然佢冇自願公開, 但係藝人形象名聲就係咁重要, 觀眾好主觀, 唔鐘意係就唔鐘意, 有時真係唔多駛講理由. 所以依家不斷講"其實佢冇錯", "佢都係受害者" 云云真係冇用, 依家係形象插谷底, 觀眾唔想見到你的問題.
佢個唯一加分SHOW飯局又支吾其詞加上張柏芝無預告地做晒大龍鳳加晒分. 天都唔幫佢, 晒氣啦.
nice article, tks for sharing.
clever ppl would learn from but not laugh at other's mistakes.
呀嬌姐兩年前俾人偷拍同佢顧意比陳生影係兩回事! 佢顧意比陳生影, 唔代表有人偷拍自己就唔可以出聲!! D人都chi sin 架!! 就算係如果有個女人做雞嘅,咁佢响街被人強暴就唔可以call police ga?!!
"D人都chi sin 架!! 就算係如果有個女人做雞嘅,咁佢响街被人強暴就唔可以call police ga?!!"
Good point!
the main point is D人唔鐘意就唔鐘意GA LA ,冇rationality可言。佢又發生偷拍聲討事件,D人就會一齊講,理鬼你自願定偷拍 理鬼你係兩回事。所以明明佢地真係冇做錯,D人都認定佢地錯。 個個出番黎都係要話「自己錯左」。
只系錯在 "stupid" lor....not to the public bor....If either Cheung or Chung dare to blame the general public in the interview (have no right to view other's privacy in the first place), I will be their fans.
阿嬌一向予人高"斗"+常常黑面的感覺。 如今高高在上的"公主"墮了馬,從不走親民路線的她,想得到大眾同情倒不是傻或天真,而是貪了。
若今天相中主角為阿sa, 相信觀眾應該不會那麼幸災樂禍。
我非常認同這篇文章內所寫的, 因為現實中真的存在很多這種女孩子.
其實香港有很多人常常都說自己的眼光有多遠大, 學識有幾廣, 作風有多前衛. 但當發生了事之後, 你就會發現, 那些人的眼光其實如井底蛙.
做藝人無必要將私事公開, 佢可以唔答感情事,或者好似阿SA同鄭中基個隻低調處理, 而唔係講大話,話佢連佢地既電話號碼都無,講得咁離譜,而家真相大白令人反感係好自然既事
Just don't understand why the public chooses to treat "artist" as a "role model"?
Can anyone tell?
冇電話號碼, 不過有ICQ, 有MSN, 有Facebook, 有Email, 有......
一向都唔覺得佢地講嘅嘢有幾真(理)。Even 呀謝太嗰個interview都唔可以信哂ga la. 講大話的不只佢一個...你信唔信劉德華 single 咗咁多年ar?
hey...from what time onwards, the public starts to beleive what the media said ^^...I personally will not take so serious about the articles written by the so-called entertainment reporters lor
D人都chi sin 架!! 就算係如果有個女人做雞嘅,咁佢响街被人強暴就唔可以call police ga?!!
i agree to this point. But using a prostitute as an example might not be strong enough since prostitutes are generally being looked down upon and people can't really relate to it
perhaps a slightly better example that even the general public can relate to is:
if you make love with your husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend, does it mean that you wouldn't mind being f*** by some strangers without your consent (raped)?
Oh, I think most people beleive that they have a right to fxxk Ah Gill....Otherwise, why so many people blamed the couple who just took photos for self-collection.
I hope one day, the people who blamed Ah Gill or other involved artists knowing what kind of mistake they actually made.
Look forward to having a better society in the near future.
我好睇唔起把幾位女主角打成淫婦的人,那些人說來說去都係話佢地唔老實, 都低能O既, 性愛係私人到不得了的事, 點解要對你老實呀, 男未婚女未嫁, 大家二十幾歲, 相片中又係正常男歡女愛, 簡值悶TIM, 係某些中國人大驚小怪, 井低之蛙, 把性愛視為污穢吧。
>>若今天相中主角為阿sa, 相信觀眾應該不會那麼幸災樂禍。
Why "幸災樂禍"? Do our teachers or parents told us to have such value in our society? If so, why?