"When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something"
"all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
This is extract from text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005.
18 則留言:
Be yourself~
本人同樣非常欣賞 Steve 的做生意天份,由apple到pixer再Macintosh,之後的iPod及iTune,及現在的iPhone。
點解一個人可以贏咁多場杖呢?這些絕不是好彩,他的做生意手法真是值得學習。但唔代表他在其他方面一樣叻架喎,佢是否博學呢?我唔多知,並且佢已經脫離了平民階級,佢的做人哲學同肥佬黎一樣唔多岩我依 d 平民心水。我情願多睇李天命的平民化的哲學書好過。XDDDDDDDD
其實心中還有不少說話想說,費事再炸你的留言版了 =D
遲些有時間就為你依篇寫文放在我的 BLOG 中吧
Stay Hungry Stay Foolish
Steve Job's speech is always my favourite to share with those who ask me for opinions on their career/life path.
Real life experience can be touching and inspiring (like your own 911 experience). SJ's experience is exceptionally legendary ... if I'm being kicked out of the Apple's management, i do not think i can start another successful one (in a different filed!) like Pixar.
Have you watch the latest Pixar movie "Ratatouille"? It carries a similar message.
Not everyone is SJ but i do think we all have a dream. Whenever I'm down i'll re-read this piece.
去到 Steve 咁既 grade 的名人
d 講稿點會自己寫的
煲呔 d 講稿都係班心戰室智囊寫啦。
前排看你的友 blog中說財爺和三十會的朋友食飯,d 講稿都係劉細良寫啦。
寫依 d 稿要好小心的,逐筆逐字重覆返 check 確保無出錯,非常費時的工作點會名人自己寫。
其實依 d 金句睇完就算吧
實事求事 d 好
世上最值錢的事是"know how"
I believe Steve Jobs wrote own his speech, although his aides may refine his speeches. If you ever watch his Q & A sessions, you will know how good he is as an technology icon.
Even if you read through his apology letter on iPhone price cuts, you can notice his "think different" quotes such as follows which is unlikely be written by PR guy:
"Second, being in technology for 30+ years I can attest to the fact that the technology road is bumpy. There is always change and improvement, and there is always someone who bought a product before a particular cutoff date and misses the new price or the new operating system or the new whatever. This is life in the technology lane."
Kudos to all those "think different", such as Jobs and Erica in a too boring world.
Full letter by Jobs as follows:
By the way, great post from Erica, who show her wisdom again.
The full inspiring and witty speech can be found at:
If you want to watch his live speech at Youtube again:
I 君
忍不著抬槓. 你可能對, Steve Job 此文有機會不是出自其手筆.
但, 這要緊嗎?
'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet', 此篇 speech 無論出自
誰的手筆也無損其偉大, 衹要世上有人, 甚至衹一個人, 曾经因此文得到鼓勵,啓發, 此文已完成其使命.
其實, 此篇speech 有三個故事, 起碼有两個是他的親身經歷. 而由其現身說法, 倍覺動人.
Steve Jobs, Bill Gates 皆出自小康之家. 肥佬黎更是由底向上爬, 白手興家. 三人皆有可學習之處. 正是將相本無種, 男兒當自强, 今日I 君, 難保他朝成為 $ 君.
哲學就是哲學, 有分平民化的嗎? 難道總統, 特首, 有錢人不能讀李天命嗎? 如果你真的這麼有階級觀念, 真的枉讀李天命了.
Totally agree with TinTinBright. First I think Jobs is very all-round compared to other rich businessmen. I believe one cannot pretend to be all-round in live interviews over 30 years if one is "shallow."
There is a special term called "reality distortion field" to describe Jobs' power to convince others based on his wits and charisma.
Totally agree with TinTinBright. I think Jobs is very all-round compared to other rich businessmen. I believe one cannot pretend to be all-round in live interviews over 30 years if one is "shallow."
There is a special term called "reality distortion field" to describe Jobs' power to convince others based on his wits and charisma.
I guess most people would suddenly wake up and cherish each and every day they live after they are diagnosed with a terminal illness or disease. Jobs is no different after being diagnosed with a malignant tumor in his pancreas in 2004.
唔平民化的哲學真係比比皆是,前排袁小姐所 post 的"前美國國務卿鮑威爾談處世之道"
無論Steve, Bill Gate及肥佬黎,佢地強項都是識做生意。that's all。學就學最好的,便是他們做生意的技巧。
Bill Gate搞慈善還未有成績,希望佢能在生意之外還有其他的東西可以讓人學習吧。
如果把文中的 Steve 名字刪去,小弟就覺得篇文.......算啦,可能煽情的字句向來對我無效的,可能其他人對依篇文有所共鳴吧。
tintin: 深得我心.
I was about to say similar things later for I 君's post (coz I can't type Chinese in the office) but you jump into the line lol
Will post something more later....
無論文章也好,金句也好,對我0黎講,只要能令我有共鳴同反思,什麼人寫都沒有關係 - 唔會覺得已成功人士講0既一定0岩,藉藉無名寫0既就不屑一看。
呢個係我鍾意睇其他人Blog0既主要原因 - 看到每個人都有自己0既故事同經歷, 偶有會心微笑或一剎感動, 自己已有所得。
如果做每件事都怕處處碰壁而畏首畏尾,只從"發大達"0既目標出發,呢個世界就唔會有Google, iPod, iPhone同Wii;
凡事只著種"Know how"而忽略"Know Why","Know What", 就會浮現出當年芝士蛋糕,葡撻,珍珠奶茶果種由一窩蜂爭相倣效匢圇吞棗其門如市到一敗塗地門堪羅雀0既經典例子。
有道理0既,管他是Somebody定Nobody,捉到老鼠就係好貓!仲唔夠平民? =P
可能我用錯字眼,其實依 d 應該叫人生觀,我估同哲學的學術理論還差得遠。人生觀無話對或錯,岩駛咪用囉。
我識的哲學只是好皮毛,伏爾泰、笛卡兒、歌德、羅梭,乜乜存在主義、唯物辯証法,全部只是識個名,因為我鍾意睇歷史書,想知道以前世界發生過乜事,所以才會知道他們的存在。所以才唔會像 youtube 中某美國居民以卡夫卡是美國名星。
我對哲學毫不認識,可能你地是對的,steve jobs文中所說的道理可能是驚世新思想,只是我不能理解而已,steve jobs日後有機會超過廿一世紀最受歡迎的哲學家馬克思都未定架。 =D
我便是在現今社會生存這種容俗的典形香港仔。purpose oriented,為求達到目的,我腦海中所有合法的途經都希望思考一次,不會考慮自己的尊嚴輕重。
當我上到Steve Jobs 依 d 位置才可以有權講下"美麗的"人生觀。
I 君
1. "但女主角要脫的. 點解香港無女星肯拍,咪就係因為果一點點尊嚴囉"
a.不是冇香港女星肯拍. 係選角過程中沒選港女星而已, 李安有很大的話事權, 請分莊閒, 不要倒果為因.
b. 拍情慾戲, 脫戲不等於冇尊嚴
c. 請不要再以男尊女卑的眼光看事物. '色'戒'中的情慾戲, 梁朝偉也有份脫, 有份做, 難道港男星沒尊嚴嗎?
2. "中國人為了上位就乜都可以放棄,併搏精神遠高於香港人,咪就係依原因,大部份大卡市華語片被國內女星搶哂囉"
a. 香港是中國一部份, 請不要以拼博精神強分港人國人.
b. '中國人為了上位就乜都可以放棄', 此句承上文似乎說內地女星因放棄尊嚴而奪得大卡士女星, 似乎抹殺了她們的演技, 角式適合性, 票房等.
如果每次失敗, 都為自己找藉口, 而不檢討所有原因, 會慢慢失去競爭力. 而'港人'是由很多個居住在香港的'個人'組成, 實在不忍看見'港人'退步的競爭力.
I 君, 我不是特別針對你的. 我很愛香港, 願人人進步, 個個富貴, 心靈豐足.