
this morning i was watching the movie "The Illusionist" at home as I am a big fan of Edward Norton. The movie was great so I went on to IMDB.com to check out its ratings and reviews. Then I clicked on Edward's Bio and learn that

1) he is a Yale grad in History!! 2) his father is an attorney for President Jimmy Carter!

Then I went on to check out the bio of my other favorite actor,
Wenworth Miller (Michael Scotfield in Prison Break), and learnt that
1) he is a Princeton grad in English Literature (how romantic!), and
2) his father is ALSO a is a Lawyer and a graduate of Yale!!

So, if possible, I will try to get married with a handsome lawyer to produce smart and charming actor offspring!

7 則留言:

學 霖 山 莊 說...

How about Golden Finger(S)...

Unknown 說...

Have you seen The Prestige? It's very good.

匿名 說...

hehe..michael scofield is verrrrryyyyy sexy...he has sexy eyes..
love him lotsss

pakman 說...


I agree with 學霖山莊...

Just be with sons of lawyers.


匿名 說...

i love ur blog, erika. +oil

暗黑的卡夫卡 說...

I don't know Edward Norton is a Yale grad in HISTORY? Thats one hot intellectual!

To me, Edward Norton is best in FIGHT CLUB...

匿名 說...

Actually a lot of famous actors are Yale or Ivy League graduates - Jodie Foster, Holly Hunter, Paul Newman and Meryl Streep are all from Yale.

Hot guys + Ivy League = Irresistable?

No wonder my friends are trying to get into Ivy so bad lol.