it 's not one 's fault to be born into a poor family and not having a chance to study overseas. many common people have to strive hard for themselves, isn't this bit of '' ambition'' and '' hard work'' worth a little praise? i support those who are ambitious because if nobody 嘗試擠身在不屬於自己本身的圈子﹐試著攀龍附鳳, this will widen wealth gap and social inequality.
just hope everybody has the chance to develop on an equal basis.
shan: a lot of ppl who are not born in a prestigious family made their way out by studying or working very very hard; instead of working hard to get to those dinner appointments, and ask the press to take pictures of their social climbs!
I think we can study this phenomenon economically..(this is not to apply any value judgement to the act that people attend to those dinner appointments first off) There might be some self-selection there.People in the showbiz/ who join Miss HK are typically having some good attributes (say being good-looking,enjoy public performance.) and these attributes are atrracted to many marrried/unmarried male (be it actual having a good-looking parter/the pride it brings them hanging out with a celebrity..) so holding other things constant, the prob. of these women succeeding in getting a well-off guy is higher. But does it mean these beautiful girls actually have to do so? I'm thinking.. maybe beauty is typically linked with packaging unless one is a natural beauty, so these people are typically the group of people enjoying spending a lot of money on their appearance, and they are more likely to be attracted by those well-off people and attend those dinners.(mm.. i think the argument is a bit loose here, please refine it if there's any better suggestion.)So apart from that these people are celebrities,it's more likely for us to observe these beautiful girls to attend those appointments.(I'm by no means saying all of you do so, which is definitely not the case, but yes the likelihood is higher i think) so inferred by the general public, you'll have the result of MHK being stereotyped into the greedy and snobbish group. i think if we are not trying to say this is right or wrong, this is actually an economic phenomenon and these people, when maximizing their own benefit will not take into account the negative externality it brings to the whole group... sad to those who do not participate and get 'pulled into the water', but i really dun see there's any effective mechanism to internalize such externality so this phenomenon is likely to persist. For your self-comfort, you may view joining the mhk as just an action of acquiring a signal to the public that you possess the attributes of excelling in the showbiz, and acquiring such signal only serves to lower your cost in entering into/ excelling in the showbiz, so in the long-run, you don't need to care about the reputation effect, as your type would be truly revealed with time, and if the market likes you, you will succeed, otherwise don't. And i think if people read your blog, they know who you are =) (sadly not everyone reads this) Though economic discussion aside, i personally admire those who climb up the social ladder with their own effort with more moral consideration.
"妳露體狂 我們偷窺狂" cannot agree more. 當然我可以說﹕我露體﹐無人叫你睇﹗ 而你們在公眾地方看人露體也不算是偷窺啊。 remember the cover of Time magazine? Person of the year is YOU! accept the age of internet babe!
奉勸各女星千萬別幻想自己可以成為下一位徐子淇。人家出身娟好﹐從小已擠身在中上流社會的圈子,大部份在英國求學的名人之後早已是她的同窗。I want to comment that girls like her are everywhere. There are many Harvard and Columbia grads out there and having to work a nine to five job. I suppose making the right connection to the blue bloods and the upper class is essential to your success, whether it be your spousal choice or your career futures.
One thing I want to point out is marrying someone like Mr. Lee is not the most secured option. In the future, when 徐子淇 is older and not attractive, who is to say that Mr. Lee does not cheat or divorce her and re-marry? Her children could be like William and Harry inherited all the old money but what good does that do when your husband and his family can freely dispose of you at their convenience? No matter what you do, you could never remove the fact that you are marrying up and your family is not in the same class as your in-laws. It is best that you yourself have the class and the money without relying on your spouse or his family.
"將來就算要陪丈夫主席任何場合也絕不會失禮人前。" I suppose that is the purpose of a female like 徐子淇, to be used by her husband.
Hi Erica, well, I'm a female PhD student in a famous university in the U.S., and I have to say that education doesn't qualify as an automatic gateway to a good marriage or happy life, almost all of the alumni I know still have to work very hard throughout their whole life.
19 則留言:
CW: love it when i see your comments, every time.
"貪婪" is a concept that i don't understand... it's not in my dictionary.
II:人各有志, true. as long as it doesn't affect others: artists or MHK's reputation.
it 's not one 's fault to be born into a poor family and not having a chance to study overseas. many common people have to strive hard for themselves, isn't this bit of '' ambition'' and '' hard work'' worth a little praise? i support those who are ambitious because if nobody 嘗試擠身在不屬於自己本身的圈子﹐試著攀龍附鳳, this will widen wealth gap and social inequality.
just hope everybody has the chance to develop on an equal basis.
shan: a lot of ppl who are not born in a prestigious family made their way out by studying or working very very hard; instead of working hard to get to those dinner appointments, and ask the press to take pictures of their social climbs!
I think we can study this phenomenon economically..(this is not to apply any value judgement to the act that people attend to those dinner appointments first off) There might be some self-selection there.People in the showbiz/ who join Miss HK are typically having some good attributes (say being good-looking,enjoy public performance.) and these attributes are atrracted to many marrried/unmarried male (be it actual having a good-looking parter/the pride it brings them hanging out with a celebrity..) so holding other things constant, the prob. of these women succeeding in getting a well-off guy is higher. But does it mean these beautiful girls actually have to do so? I'm thinking.. maybe beauty is typically linked with packaging unless one is a natural beauty, so these people are typically the group of people enjoying spending a lot of money on their appearance, and they are more likely to be attracted by those well-off people and attend those dinners.(mm.. i think the argument is a bit loose here, please refine it if there's any better suggestion.)So apart from that these people are celebrities,it's more likely for us to observe these beautiful girls to attend those appointments.(I'm by no means saying all of you do so, which is definitely not the case, but yes the likelihood is higher i think) so inferred by the general public, you'll have the result of MHK being stereotyped into the greedy and snobbish group. i think if we are not trying to say this is right or wrong, this is actually an economic phenomenon and these people, when maximizing their own benefit will not take into account the negative externality it brings to the whole group... sad to those
who do not participate and get 'pulled into the water', but i really dun see there's any effective mechanism to internalize such externality so this phenomenon is likely to persist.
For your self-comfort, you may view joining the mhk as just an action of acquiring a signal to the public that you possess the attributes of excelling in the showbiz, and acquiring such signal only serves to lower your cost in entering into/ excelling in the showbiz, so in the long-run, you don't need to care about the reputation effect, as your type would be truly revealed with time, and if the market likes you, you will succeed, otherwise don't. And i think if people read your blog, they know who you are =) (sadly not everyone reads this)
Though economic discussion aside, i personally admire those who climb up the social ladder with their own effort with more moral consideration.
actually, things are happening everyday but no one will talk about it. you are young and brave!
難道你就只會跟相同年齡的人接觸? 不同圈子就不可以吃吃飯?
或者你說得對, 那你繼續在你的圈子中拍親熱照吧.
我不認同女星的這種行為, 但自以為高人一等的寸, 實在更令人覺得討厭.
Btw, 我在London讀書時, 聽到徐子淇說的第一句話是粗口.
我這個生活在香港的"麻甩仔",記得的港姐,有張瑪莉,張曼玉,三項鐵人,袁詠儀(當然還有 erica 啦!),甚或星途不順,但仍默默苦幹的康華...而非愛吃飯的那幾個(甚實有哪幾個都不太清楚).那些港姐"尖子"不因你所痛恨的那些"害群之馬"而壞了名聲,也不值得為那些"另求出路"的 nobody 生氣.
erica, 我覺得妳同我們都有著某種病態
妳濫用blog本身的本用意 !!
如有hard feelings, i apologize !
from the bottom of my heart..
cannot agree more.
remember the cover of Time magazine?
Person of the year is YOU!
accept the age of internet babe!
奉勸各女星千萬別幻想自己可以成為下一位徐子淇。人家出身娟好﹐從小已擠身在中上流社會的圈子,大部份在英國求學的名人之後早已是她的同窗。I want to comment that girls like her are everywhere. There are many Harvard and Columbia grads out there and having to work a nine to five job. I suppose making the right connection to the blue bloods and the upper class is essential to your success, whether it be your spousal choice or your career futures.
One thing I want to point out is marrying someone like Mr. Lee is not the most secured option. In the future, when 徐子淇 is older and not attractive, who is to say that Mr. Lee does not cheat or divorce her and re-marry? Her children could be like William and Harry inherited all the old money but what good does that do when your husband and his family can freely dispose of you at their convenience? No matter what you do, you could never remove the fact that you are marrying up and your family is not in the same class as your in-laws. It is best that you yourself have the class and the money without relying on your spouse or his family.
"將來就算要陪丈夫主席任何場合也絕不會失禮人前。" I suppose that is the purpose of a female like 徐子淇, to be used by her husband.
Hi Erica, well, I'm a female PhD student in a famous university in the U.S., and I have to say that education doesn't qualify as an automatic gateway to a good marriage or happy life, almost all of the alumni I know still have to work very hard throughout their whole life.
我所以叫彌明唔好學徐子淇嘅原因,係佢做唔到U女嘅典範噃.佢係喺LSE讀研究院呀,但佢只係一心想做少奶奶囉,枉Prof. R H Coase,George Soros以前留底的U仔典範(反而我覺得喺LSE教書嘅魏莉華仲好過佢囉)~~~~~~:)
Dear Erica,
I like your articles and yr views and you hv good points about Entertainment industry and life.
Do u hv email address? BTW, i m female.